GSA Downloads
Advanced Pathway Painter
2.31 downloadDisplay pathways (KEGG, GenMAPP...) for gene- and protein experiments.
GENOM 2005
3.42 downloadFeature rich and user friendly application for analysing microarray experiments.
GSA Auto SoftSubmit
8.39 downloadAutom. submit your software to more than 100 archives and directories.
GSA Auto Website Submitter
5.54 downloadSubmit your web site to hundreds of search engines and directories.
GSA Autostart Cleaner
2.42 downloadClean up all your autostart places and context menus and make your PC faster.
GSA AV Guard
3.3.8 downloadAudio and/or video monitoring with alert status over phone or modem
GSA Backup Manager
2.3.3 downloadSoftware that will create and manage backups almost automatically
GSA Buchhalter
2.2.1 downloadSoftware for all who need a simple single-entry accounting solution.
GSA Captcha Breaker
4.85 downloadEffortlessly solve captchas with advanced automation and high accuracy.
GSA Cleandrive
3.47 downloadCleandrive cleans up your system from privacy violations and make it faster.
GSA Clip Spider
2.74 downloadDownload all the movie clips from a webserver automatically.
GSA Content Generator
6.06 downloadBuild Articles as if there is no tomorrow with GSA Content Generator.
GSA Delphi Induc Cleaner
1.00 downloadFreeware tool that could remove the Win32/Induc.A virus completely.
GSA File Rescue
1.18 downloadRescue Your Data from Damaged CDs/drives or other media.
GSA Image Analyser
4.4.1 downloadA program to analyse 2D Images of any kind (e.g. cell counting)
GSA Image Analyser Batch Edition
1.1.4 downloadA program to analyse images of any kind (e.g. cell counting) in batch mode.
GSA Image Recognition-AI
1.1.6 downloadClassifying and sorting Images with Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence
GSA Image Spider
3.86 downloadA program to extract images from web by searching with keywords.
GSA Intelligent Control System
1.0.4 downloadweather event control of relay boards