MAGIX AG Downloads
MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab
15-deluxe downloadDigitize vinyl and cassettes, cut audio material, remove noise and more!
MAGIX Digital Photo Maker
9 downloadMAGIX Digital Photo Maker 9 is the perfect partner for any digital photo task.
MAGIX Mobile Movie Creator
1.0 downloadExperience movies and videos anywhere!
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro
2015 downloadYou don't need to be a video expert to transform your video
MAGIX Movie Edit Pro Plus
2015 downloadMany new features make it possible to make all of your creative ideas a reality.
15 downloadTotal music - Simply everything you need for MP3s & digital formats!
MAGIX Music Maker
MX downloadMake music right away even without any prior skills
MAGIX Music Maker Premium
2025 downloadCreate stunning music effortlessly with MAGIX Music Maker Premium's powerful tools.
MAGIX PC Check and Tuning
2011 downloadPC Check & Tuning keeps your PC fast and reduces power consumption
MAGIX Photo Manager Deluxe
MX downloadThe fastest way to optimize, present, organize and archive your photos
MAGIX Photostory Deluxe
2025 downloadCreate stunning slideshows with MAGIX Photostory Deluxe's intuitive tools.
MAGIX Rescue your Data
1 downloadProtect your emails, letters, photos, movies and music from permanent loss.
MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio
2025 downloadPowerful music production software for recording, editing, and mixing.
MAGIX Samplitude Producer
11.5 downloadEasy start into the world of professional music production
MAGIX Video easy
4 downloadThe easiest way to create your personal video DVD!
MAGIX Video Pro X
x16 downloadProfessional video editing software with advanced features and intuitive tools.
MAGIX Website Maker
3 downloadCreate your own website online without any previous knowledge!
MAGIX Xtreme PhotoStory on CD & DVD
8 downloadTransform your images into rich slideshows with music and burn them to disc.