Nirvana Technologies Downloads
PLUS 1D:Bar Nesting
9.xx downloadPLUS 1D - Bar nesting & 1D stock cutting optimization software for channels etc.
PLUS 2D:Nesting Software
9.xx downloadPLUS 2D - Nesting software for reducing scrap, and generating optimum layouts.
3.00 downloadSoftware which automatically calculates the total flat length of bent component.
PLUS Reels
1.00 downloadPlus Reels is optimization software to reduce the waste in manufacturing of reel
PLUS Replicam
1.50 downloadDigitizing Software to replicate quickly complicated shapes from digital images.
PLUS Rings:Rings Optimization Software
2.xx downloadPLUS Rings - Ring Optimization software for gasket rings and discs.
PLUS Slitting
2.00 downloadTrim Optimization Software to reduce scrap and generate cutting plans for Coils.