Browse Astronomy software downloads
0.0.9 downloadAstroMatos will help you for astrophotography
1.1.6 downloadStar Altlas, Almanac, Eclipses, Twilights + Voy Planner for 9999BC to 9999AD
Chinese Calendrics
17.07 downloadChinese Calendar converter and a tool for the study of 3 Asian lunar calendars
Colliding Galaxies
1.22 downloadColliding Galaxies - software to simulate interacting galaxies
5.1.1 downloadCyberSky is an accurate, yet easy-to-use planetarium program.
Dark Solar System
2011 downloadView a dark energy inside Solar system on your dektop with this screensaver!
Dr. Regener Sun-Moon-Calendar
9.0 downloadSun-Moon-Calendar for 110 Countries, Holidays, Signs of Zodiac, Saint's Days
Equinoxes, Solstices and Cross-Quarter Days
6.27 downloadCalculates dates and times for equinoxes, solstices and cross-quarter days.
Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder
17.17 downloadSoftware to find dates and times of lunar and solar eclipses and lunar phases
2.4 downloadCalculate times of sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset and more
Nautical Almanac
2017 download2017 Nautical Almanac including monthly charts with the planets' positions
1.0 Beta 3 downloadStrictly spoken it's a piece of software, simulating the Solar System's bodies
2.8.7 downloadVisit stars & planets, see galaxies & nebulas, try this 3D software planetarium!