i2k Quickage Pro reviews

i2k Quickage Pro 1.3.6
Stacey Bindman

(Aug 23, 2010)

First of all, there is a version for Mac users, which I used. In terms of i2k Quickage Pro, it's a great software. However I have to offer some advise, and this applies to ALL panoramic software.

1. Use a tripod to avoid any blur through camera shake.
2. Use a remote or self-timer to again avoid camera shake.
3. Check the level of the tripod before shooting. It's easier for software to stitch.
4. Keep the same f-stop and change shutter speeds. This maintains the same depth-of-field and focus throughout the image.
5. Bracket. When you rotate your camera on a tripod, the exposures will vary. By bracketing, you can try and equalize all of the parts of the panoramic in order for the software to work. USe a lens shade as well, to avoid lens flare.
6. Make sure that when you take your series of images for the panoramic, each individual image has a similar part as the other. The stitching program needs this in order to attach adjacent images.
7. Have lots of RAM memory. When you work with the latest DSLR's you'll probably have anywhere from 12-21 MP (megapixels). Add anywhere form 5-10 or more images, along with the program and you'll need lots of memory. I have an Imac 24" dual 3.06 mgz with 4 GB of RAM (that's the max) , and the Imac crashed! Perhaps reallocating more memory in my Imac might have solved the problem.
8. Close all other programs so that your computer runs i2k Quickage.

Now back to i2k Quickage......

If you keep in mind the advise that I gave above, then i2k Quickage should perform well. I had tried it once before, and perhaps my images did not have enough common content for the program to work for 1 particular image. I also tried stitching with Photoshop (File>>>Automate>>Photomerge) , but the panoramic would not come together. Once you've selected the images for the program to stitch, you press the "generate montage", and let the program work. Depending upon the number of images, the program will take more or less time to compute. I just tried a panoramic of 13 images, but the program only worked with 8 and came up with a great panoramic. I'll have to see if I came generate another panoramic with the remaining images, and then splice the 2 panoramics together.

The program is moderately-priced. Saying that, you will need to decide if you will be generating enough panoramic images to merit the cost. I did try some "free" programs, but they weren't as good, and 1 program was more complicated than I wanted.

Thanks for reading,
Stacey Bindman

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