tweak vista downloads

Tweak Me!

1.3 download

Tweak Me! Is a new unique Windows Tweaking Application which supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8! Never has it been so easy to tweak all most used versions of Microsoft Windows using ...

Vista Manager

4.1.5 download

A powerful software tool to tweak, optimize, maintain and tune up your Windows Vista, it includes over thirty different utilities! It will ... For example, get detailed system and hardware information; Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown ...

Tweak 7

1.0 download

... Windows operating system with the release of Windows Vista. Stardock's Tweak7 enhancement application helps you configure Windows 7 to ... improving performance. Unlike other power tools for Windows, Tweak7 automatically prompts enhancement recommendations, offering easy "one click" ...

XdN Tweaker download

It is a free tweaking program for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, and Windows 7. Features: ... right-click menu. * Allows you to adjust and tweak TCP/IP settings. * Disable/Enable ZipFolders. * Disable/Enable the ...


3.98 download

XP-AntiSpy claims that users of Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 are at risk from catching ... built-in update and authentication 'features' in WindowsXP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. For example, there's a service ...


8.0.13 download

... the FrontSideBus. Features: - Windows Vista Sidebar gadget - Intel / AMD CPU Core temperature readout - ATI grafic cards readout (new feature since7.3.3) ...

Windows Games Tweaker

2.0 download

Windows Games Tweaker is a freeware from door2windows that allows you to enable a secret debug menu and add quick access to change appearance options in Windows 7/Vista games. ...

DTweak Pro

5.0.1 download

DTweak is a complex tweaker which enables you to: ? Defragment disks and ... Optimize and increase the speed of your Windows Vista system without manually modifying registers or ini files. ... plus an impressive choice of optimization and customization tweaks for Firewall, Internet Explorer, Windows Media, Windows Mail ...

Ultimate Windows Tweaker

2.2 download

We are pleased to release our Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2 is a freeware TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 & ...


1.4 download

... and recovery Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista operating systems, improve your privacy, fast check for ... built-in utilities of Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista. Each tweak has textual tips, and some ...

SMART Utility

2.0 download

SMART (Service Management And RealEasy Tweaking) Utility is a freeware utility which helps you tweak Windows 7 Services, based on the suggested configurations ... services settings, to meet your requirements. With judicious tweaking, it can make your system faster, as you ...


1.0 download

TweakUAC™ gives you more control of the Windows Vista UAC settings. In addition to enabling or disabling the UAC, TweakUAC also allows you to select the “quiet” mode ... Control, it’s a security technology available in Windows Vista and Windows 7 that keeps programs from performing ...

3.1 download - Step-by-step information how to tweak and optimize the operation system of your PC: MS Windows 2000/XP/VISTA. Contain a lot ...

EnhanceMyVista Pro

3.4 download

... easy to use yet advanced enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool for Windows Vista. - Do you have Windows Vista installed and want to make it faster? - ... Are you an advanced user and want to tweak Vista's every bit to get maximum performance? If ...

EnhanceMyVista Standart

1.16 download

... easy to use yet advanced enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool for Windows Vista. - Do you have Windows Vista installed and want to make it faster? - ... Are you an advanced user and want to tweak Vista's every bit to get maximum performance? If ...

FixWin Utility

1.2 download

... release a first-of-its-kind application for Windows 7 & Vista: FixWin. FixWin is a 529 KB freeware portable ... detects whether you have Windows 7 or Windows Vista installed and accordingly offers you the relevant fixes ...


1.61 download

... a command-line script that can be used for tweaking operating systems of Windows family. It has two ... First mentioned mode is the default, user chooses tweaks using keypad. Second is like command prompt, but ...

5 award

SSD Tweaker

4.0.1 download

SSD Tweaker does not put a strain on system resources, ... dialogs. When it comes down to it, SSD Tweaker is a nice addition to any user who has SSD hard drives. SSD Tweaker Lets you Tweak the following: * Windows ...


4.12 download

... Windows environment.This unique software makes it easy to tweak hundreds of hidden settings in Windows Vista/2003/XP/2000/Me/98, so there is no longer any need to ...


2.3 download

... a unique software which makes it easy to tweak hundreds of hidden settings in Windows XP/2003, so ... you can enhance your Windows experience instantly! EnhanceMyXP Tweak key features include: -Process Identification - Identify unrecognized ... Professional

25.2.1 download

... Clean Uninstaller, Scan Files, Scan Registry, Start Up, Tweak UI, Net Tweaker, The Privacy. Clean Uninstaller - This tool is ... during the loading process of the operating system. Tweak UI - This is a set of additional ... Professional

16.3.0 download

... Clean Uninstaller, Scan Files, Scan Registry, Start Up, Tweak UI, Net Tweaker, The Privacy. Clean Uninstaller - This tool is ... during the loading process of the operating system. Tweak UI - This is a set of additional ...


2.1.1 download

... easy to use yet advanced enhancing, optimizing and tweaking tool for Windows 8. - Do you have ... Are you an advanced user and want to tweak Vista's every bit to get maximum performance? If ...

Ultimate Windows Customizer download

... Ultimate Windows Customizer ! While our Ultimate Windows Tweaker allows you to tweak various settings in Windows 7 and Windows Vista, this freeware will let you easily customize and ... installation, but the problem is that most are tweak specific. Hardly any offering multiple customization options. Ultimate ...

PC Services Optimizer

4.3.1500 download

The Windows operating system comes with many background services running by default, most of which are unnecessary for everyday computer use. Having many Windows services running can slow down your computer ...