englisch downloads
2.6 downloadLingoPad is a free German-Englisch dictionary for Windows with more than 230,000 entries plus approx. 370,000 references in either language. For many words, pronounciation is available in IPA. ...
Auto-Correction Spellchecker
3.02 download... compatible to all programs and fixes errors in Englisch, German, Italian, Dutch and French. ZeroClickSpellchecker runs really automatic and allows you to continue your typing instead of interrupting the typing ...
1.11 download... works in any application and corrects mistakes in Englisch, German, Italian, French and Dutch. ZeroClick Spellchecker works completely automatic and allows you to continue typing instead of interrupting your work ...
The New English-German Dictionary
3.8.5 downloadThis is an electronic bilingual dictionary for translating words and phrases from English to German and vice versa. Currently are more than 170,000 translations in the unregistered and more than 860,000 ...
MS Word English To German and German To English Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to convert Word files from English to German and vice versa. The user can specify a list of files or an entire ...
Portable streamWriter B1135 downloadStreamWriter is an application for recording streams in mp3- or aac-format broadcasted by internet radio stations. streamWriter is completely free (open-source), is easy to use and should provide all features expected ...
StreamWriter B1135 downloadStreamWriter is an easy to use application designed to enable you to record MP3 / AAC-streams broadcasted by internetradio stations for example. The application is easy to install, easy to ...
BodyCaP Ernährungssoftware download... USDA SR18 Datenbank 2005 Lebensmitteldatenbank 2-sprachig: Deutsch und Englisch tägliche Protokollierung und Auswertung Ihrer Ernährung inkl. Verbrauchsanalyse Gewicht- und Fettanteilanalyse Tagesbedarfanalyse von Mineralien und Vitaminen auch für Schwangere Berechnung von: ...
HermeneutiX for Mac OS X
2.4.4 download... and comments) -graphical user interface (currently) available in: Englisch, German -any origin language can be analyzed (out-of-the-box Greek, Hebrew) -interchangeable XML-based file format (.hmx) -export to: SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) ...