ffmpeg.exe downloads

Datastead DirectShow Multiplexer to FFmpeg command-line

1.1.2 download

DirectShow Multiplexer Sink/writer filter able to compress or encode audio/video streams by invoking in the background a command-line transcoder executable, if this executable supports a named pipe as input. A LGPL ...

Multipurpose DirectShow Encoder SDK download

The Datastead Multipurpose Encoder SDK is a DirectShow Multiplexer Sink/Writer filter able to compress or encode audio/video streams by invoking in the background a command-line transcoder executable, if this executable supports ...


0.9.8 B3219 download

TX264 is a GUI for x264.exe. It offers simple but powerful options to encode your videos to mp4 or mkv containers with h264 video and aac, ogg or ac3 audio. If ...

LuJoSoft ThumbAllMovies

1.0.0 download

LuJoSoft ThumbAllMovies Introduction: LuJoSoft ThumbAllMovies is a tool create and saves thumbnails (screenshots) of movie or video files to jpeg files. It uses FFmpeg's libavcodec as its engine, so it supports ...


56 download

... or .amr file attachment (requires user download of ffmpeg.exe) Near real-time playback of recorded audio, providing "pager-like" functionality with scanner and PC Can be used to trigger external programs or ...

Appnimi Video Converter

1.0 download

Appnimi Video converter is a tool to convert video file from one format to other. Leading video formats supported. Simple User Interface to help you enter input and output path of ...

5 award


2.4 download

iPod Media Encoder is a freeware application that will help users easily convert videos into an iPod-compatible format, the easy way. The profiles should be easy enough to figure, keeping in ...