zipcode downloads

IP - Country - Region - City - Latitude - Longitude - ZIPCode - Timezone - AreaCode Database

October 2024 download

... Region - City - Latitude - Longitude - ZIPCode - Timezone - AreaCode Database" by Hexa Software ... Region - City - Latitude - Longitude - ZIPCode - Timezone - AreaCode Database" by Hexa Software ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-ISP-DOMAIN is commercial lookup database that 1. Provide Location Aware Content (language, currency, etc.) 2. Redirect based on country; 3. Digital rights management; 4. Prevent password sharing and abuse of ...


January.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code and time zone. Developers use this database for: 1. Provide Location Aware Content ...


January.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone ISP and domain name. Developers use this database for: 1. Provide ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name and connection speed. Developers use this database for: ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-AREACODE-ELEVATION is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code, IDD code and elevation. Developers use this database for: ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION-USAGETYPE is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, time zone, ISP, domain name, net speed, area code, idd code, weather, mobile, ...


December.2024 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude and longitude. Developers use this database for projects related to: 1. Provide Location Aware Content (language, ...


8.07E download

... a complete city-level directory of 5-digit United States zipcodes, 3-digit telephone area codes, and time zones, combined ... not one big enough to have its own zipcode). When run from your desktop, ZIPKEY allows you ...

WeatherBug for Mac

1.0.2 download

... to your PC clock, retrieve forecasts for your zipcode, get up-to-the-minute InstaCam images and immediate storm warnings and alerts. Features * The most reliable weather information found anywhere. ...

WeatherBug download

... to your PC clock, retrieve forecasts for your zipcode, get up-to-the-minute InstaCam images and immediate storm warnings and alerts. Features: * The most reliable weather information found anywhere. ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-AREACODE is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code and IDD code. Developers use this database for: 1. ...


February.2025 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, connection speed, IDD code and area code. Developers ...

New Version

IP2Location Geolocation Database

March.2024 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION-USAGETYPE is commercial IP geolocation database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, zip code, time zone, ISP name, domain name, net speed, area code, IDD code, ...

IP2Location DB21 Database

January.2024 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-AREACODE-ELEVATION is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code, IDD code and elevation. Developers use this database for: ...

IP2Location DB22 Database

Oct.2016 download

IP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-ISP-DOMAIN-NETSPEED-AREACODE-WEATHER-MOBILE-ELEVATION is geo IP database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, isp, domain name, netspeed, area code, idd code, weather station, mobile ...

Convert Multiple Zip Codes To City, State or City, State To Zip Codes Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to convert cities, states or zip codes. Now you can search for city and state information based on zip code, or vice ...

ZIP Code Tools

1.1 download

Zip Code Tools allows you to lookup any US zip code quickly and easily. Zip Code Tools features built in functions that allow you to perform radius searches and distance calculations ...


0.4.4 download

... other versions too. Insert Fields (Client Name, Address, ZipCode, Price) into your label directly from MS Excel, MS Access, CSV text files, or other data source. After insertion, you format ...