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ACA Color Picker
2.01 download... value in a value of formats such as CMY/CMYK, Decimal, Hexadecimal, HSB/HSV, HSL, HSL(Windows), HTML and RGB, VC++, VB, Delphi and ActionScript. You can also ... the windows color dialog.<br> * Format converts from CMY/CMYK, Decimal, Hexadecimal, HSB/HSV, HSL, HSL(Windows), HTML and RGB, ...
Just Color Picker
6.0 download... photographers, graphic designers and digital artists. Features HEX, RGB, HSB/HSV, HSL, HWB, CMY, CMYK and TColor colour code formats; averaged colour ... for each picked colour; conversion of HEX and RGB codes into the corresponding colours; Red-Green-Blue (RGB), Cyan-Magenta-Yellow ...
Just Color Picker
6.1 download... photographers, graphic designers and digital artists. Features HEX, RGB, HSB/HSV, HSL, HWB, CMY, CMYK and TColor colour code formats; averaged colour ... for each picked colour; conversion of HEX and RGB codes into the corresponding colours; Red-Green-Blue (RGB), Cyan-Magenta-Yellow ...
1.6.3 download... MMColor right in FileMaker® Pro. MMColor supports the RGB, HSV, HSL, CMY, and CMYK Color Spaces. The colors returned from ... The color chips can be set to any RGB value, any width and height, and any level ...
Image Analyzer
1.43 download... and Matlab files Morphological operations Color model conversion: RGB, CMY, HSI, Lab, YCbCr, YIQ and PCA Distance, Fourier ...
0.8 download... tiffs or 8-bit jpgs · Native support for RGB/BW, CMY/CMYK, XYZ/LAB/LCH, HSV/HSL colorspaces - each colorspace is equal, ... to each colorspace, for instance one can mix RGB colorspace to achieve BW (black and white) image, ...
delaboratory x64
0.8 download... tiffs or 8-bit jpgs · Native support for RGB/BW, CMY/CMYK, XYZ/LAB/LCH, HSV/HSL colorspaces - each colorspace is equal, ... to each colorspace, for instance one can mix RGB colorspace to achieve BW (black and white) image, ...
delaboratory for Mac OS X
0.8 download... tiffs or 8-bit jpgs · Native support for RGB/BW, CMY/CMYK, XYZ/LAB/LCH, HSV/HSL colorspaces - each colorspace is equal, ... to each colorspace, for instance one can mix RGB colorspace to achieve BW (black and white) image, ...