cluster downloads
Air Cluster
2.1.0 download**Air Cluster: Streamlining Cloud Storage Management** Air Cluster, developed by Iniciativas Informáticas y de Comunicación, is ... **Key Features:** 1. **Unified Cloud Management:** Air Cluster allows users to link multiple cloud storage accounts, ...
Tams11 Cluster Buster downloadPlay this simple puzzle game that will keep you on your toes! Quickly remove groups of matching flowers to gain points. The more flowers you remove at a time, the more ...
9.0.1 Innovation downloadMySQL Cluster, developed by MySQL AB, is a high-performance, scalable, ... not an option. At its core, MySQL Cluster is built on a distributed, shared-nothing architecture, which ... continuous availability during maintenance or unexpected failures, MySQL Cluster handles it with ease. One of the ...
HPC Pack 2008 R2 SDK
3.3.3950 SP3 download... this SDK to schedule jobs on Microsoft Compute Cluster Server 2003 (CCS). ...
HPC Pack 2008 R2 SDK x64
3.3.3950 SP3 download... this SDK to schedule jobs on Microsoft Compute Cluster Server 2003 (CCS) x64. ...
HPC Pack 2012 SDK
4.0.3906 download... this SDK to schedule jobs on Microsoft Compute Cluster Server 2003 (CCS). ...
2.41 download... file is located or, by clicking on a cluster, seeing which file occupies it. Double-click to get more information about a file to which a cluster is allocated. ...
1.35.0 download... designed to facilitate the local deployment of Kubernetes clusters. This lightweight yet powerful software is a game-changer ... It allows users to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a virtual machine (VM) on their personal ...
MegaMatcher Extended SDK Trial
4.5 download... scaled up by connecting multiple machines into a cluster. WSQ format, BioAPI 2.0, ANSI/NIST, ANSI/INCITS and ISO/IEC ... The SDK includes: matching server and scalable fault-tolerant cluster software, API for latent fingerprint template editing, fingerprint ...
2.1 download... disks or drives. This information includes drive type, cluster size, used space, free space, percent free, total ... Files are stored in an integral number of clusters (or allocation units). Disk sizes may be based ...
2.0 download... (but are not limited to), Analysis of Variance, Cluster Analysis, Contingency Tables, Correlation (Simple, Partial, Multiple and ... plots including Box and Whisker Plots, Scatter Plots, Clustering Dendrograms, Normal Probability Plots and many others. Numerous ...
Directory Snoop
5.11 downloadDirectory Snoop is a cluster-level search tool that lets Windows users snoop through their FAT and NTFS formatted disk drives to see what data may be hiding in the cracks. ...
6.80 download... via eigenvector/eigenvalue analysis. Can also perform complex hierarchical cluster analysis on temporal concentration profiles with/without experimentally obtained temporal concentration profiles. ...
MacLoggerDX for Mac OS X
6.27 download... and filtering the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing. MacLoggerDX supports ... Screen Mode. 2D and 3D display of DX Cluster Propagation by Band. NCDXF/IARU Beacon tracking. DX Alarms ...
Partition Wizard Professional Edition
12.8 download... Convert Dynamic disk to Basic disk and Change cluster size. Business users and system administrators can use ... to Resize and Move partitions, Merge Partition, Change Cluster Size, Copy Partition, Copy Disk, Create, Delete and ...
Partition Wizard Professional Edition
5.0 download... Convert Dynamic disk to Basic disk and Change cluster size. Business users and system administrators can use ... to Resize and Move partitions, Merge Partition, Change Cluster Size, Copy Partition, Copy Disk, Create, Delete and ...
1.10.6 download... a cutting-edge desktop application designed to streamline Kubernetes cluster management. This powerful tool is crafted with a ... convoluted world of Kubernetes. The application supports multiple clusters, allowing users to manage and monitor their environments ...
4.15.1 download... single machine (SMP), among many machines in a cluster or grid. The computations can be standalone programs ... · parallel processing, · distributed computing · cluster computing ...
eBill Manager
1.0 downloadeBill Manager is a program to maintain your cluster of paper bill effectively. eBill manager is the most efficient way to organize and retrieve your paper documents. The Bill manger ...
DTM Database Content Analyzer
1.04.06 downloadDTM Database Content Analyzer is a tool for database statistic: general statistics and five built-in reports. 1. "Database size report" shows spaced allocated by data. It helps database administrator to find ...
Piano Tiles 2
1.5 download... around the globe. This diversion incorporates a wide cluster of music from various sorts. You will never come up short on new tunes. You will feel like your a moment ...
7tools Partition Manager
2009 download... without destroying data (e.g. FAT to NTFS), change cluster size, change partition ID, etc. - defragmenter. Increase your system's performance and minimize mechanical wear on the disk drive. - boot ...
VEGA ZZ download... = 1.073.741.824 vs. 224 = 16.777.216 colors). Cluster rendering (WireGL). 3D molecule view: wireframe with multivector bonds, CPK, ball & stick, stick, trace and tube. All representations can ...
2.8.7 download... other stars. And you can view spectacular galaxies, cluster, nebulae and the milky way! Relativistic space-time effects ... - View a large selection of galaxies, star clusters and nebulae, compiled from a variety of catalogues. ...
UltraDefrag x64
7.1.4 download... represents your filesystem visually as a color coded cluster map. The console is another option for those that prefer the command line. It allows you to run UltraDefrag from the ...