wrotniak downloads


2.30 download

Many scientific and engineering programs generate numeric output which needs to be presented graphically. Statmaster is a simple way to do that, reading a text file with data arranged in a ...


1.36 download

A tiny, but very capable numerical calculator for Windows. It differs from others in the way you calculate your expressions: enter the whole expression at a time, like "2+3.9/7.1-3 sqr 5", ...


2.41 download

The Mother of all Calculators, a Swiss Army knife for scientists and engineers. Perhaps the most capable scientific/engineering calculator for Windows. On one hand, this is a calculator: evaluates expressions with ...

Uptime Snooper

2.11 download

Put this program into your Startup folder (or install as an NT service) and it will keep track of your system uptime. It shows the current session uptime, total and average. ...