torque downloads
ESBUnitConv Pro
9.5.0 download... Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow, Torque, Angles, Time, Illumination, Luminous Intensity, Luminance, Luminous Flux, Density, Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration, Computer Storage, Data Rates, Dynamic Viscosity, Kinematic Viscosity, ...
3.3 download... moment of inertia, stress, surface tension, thermal conductivity, torque and viscosity. Add, edit, delete, export, import and merge custom units. Define favorite conversions. Converts feet, inches and fractions to and ...
Freeship Plus
3.43+ download... engine (i.e. resistance, power, a thrust and a torque moment), and also various service conditions (heaving, a wind, a shallow-water effect, a regime of tow / pushing, etc.). Calculations in ...
1.0 download... Flow, Force, Length, Mass, Power, Pressure, Temperature, Time, Torque, Velocity, Volume and Work/Energy. Conversion factors are from: IEEE/ASTM SI 10-1997 (Revision and redesignation of ANSI/ASTM Std 268-1992 and ASTM E380-93) ...
CAS SI Converter
1.00cD downloadHave you ever need to convert millimeters in to inches, or Miles in to Kilometers then this utility is for you. It can convert just about anything to anything else. ...
TT Dyno
2015.102 download... TT Dyno software * Real engine dynamometer: graphs torque/hp for the entire RPM band * Uses real measurements: no estimates like 1/4 mi or 0-60 HP calculators! * Less than ...
MITCalc Bolted connection
1.25 download... necessary mounting prestressing of the connection and fastening torque. - Calculation of force conditions of a loaded connection. - Static and dynamic strength check. - Calculation of joint parameters for ...
3.7.0 downloadMeasurement unit conversion program. You can convert between 1545 different units quickly and easily. iUnit also displays the values of 91 physical constants. iUnit converts between the following types of units: ...
Unit Converter Pro
3.1 download... Surface Tension, Temperature Interval, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Expansion, Torque, Typography, Velocity - Angular, Viscosity - Dynamic, Viscosity - Kinematic, Volume - Dry, and Volume - Lumber. Electrical: Capacitance, Charge, Conductance, ...
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-A
2.4.51 download... Force, Light/Illumination, Mass/Weight, Power, Pressure, Speed/Velocity, Temperature, Time, Torque, Volume/Capacity, Volume - Dry UnitConvertor-A's dialog-style interface consists of one main screen, which offers categories and two scrolling lists of units. ...