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Excel VBA Models Set 2
XL-VBA2.0 download... Pearson Type III Distribution 3. Normal Distribution 4. Chi-Square Distribution 5. F-Distribution 6. Student-T Distribution 7. Multivariate Standard Normal Distribution 8. Gamma Distribution 9. Beta Distribution 10. Hypergeometric Distribution 11. ...
2.9 download... limiting dilution data, with 95% confidence limits and Chi-square value. ...
StatPlus download... variety of ANOVA procedures (MANOVA,GLM, Latin and Greco-latin squares analysis); nonparametric statistics (from contingency tables analysis, chi-square test, rank correlations up to Mann-Whitney U, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, ...
9.4 download... Basic statistics: Univariate stat, Frequencies, CrossTabs, T-Test,Fisher F-test Chi-square: odds ratio, Pearson, Bowker, McNemar, Likelihood-Ratio, Mantel-Haenszel, GOF Exact Tests: Binomial, Proportions, Fisher, Sign test Parametric Methods: t-Tests, Z tests, Sign ...
Random Number Generator
3.0.18 download... 12 Continuous Statistical Distributions: Normal / Gaussian, Beta, Chi Square, Student-T, Cauchy, Chi, Uniform, Exponential, Gamma, Laplace, Log-Normal, Pareto - 5 ...
7.06 download... and Crosstabulation including Goodness of fit, McNemar's test, Chi-square, Fisher exact, Relative Risk, and Odds Ratio, Regression and Correlation, plus Simulations and Demonstrations of basic statistical concepts. Uses industry standard ...
BioStat 2009 downloadBioStat - user-friendly biology and medicine oriented statistical software. With BioStat 2009, one gets a robust suite of statistics tools and graphical analysis methods that are easily accessed though a simple ...
StatPlus 2009 Portable download... non-parametric and regression analysis, Probit analysis and Latin squares analysis. Get consistent, repeatable, ISO compliant results every time you perform an analysis. StatPlus is fully standardized and complies with the ...
StatFi 2009 download... contingency tables analysis, rank correlations, Probit and Latin squares, Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Cochran Q test are supported. StatFi is great for the students and teachers, offering highly affordable academic licensing. ...
6.2.2 download... such as non-parametric, regression analysis, Probit and Latin squares analysis. Dedicated statistical packages are often associated with extraordinary costs and steep learning curves. StatPlus:mac makes you forget about the learning ...
Excel VBA Models Combo Set
XL-VBA4.0 download... Pearson Type III Distribution 16. Normal Distribution 17. Chi-Square Distribution 18. F-Distribution 19. Student-T Distribution 20. Multivariate Standard Normal Distribution 21. Gamma Distribution 22. Beta Distribution 23. Hypergeometric Distribution 24. ...
NMath Stats
4.2.0 download... testing, analysis of variance, multivariate statistics, partial least squares, and nonnegative matrix factorization. NMath Stats is ... a variety of probability distributions, including beta, binomial, chi-square, exponential, F, gamma, geometric, logistic, log-normal, negative binomial, ...
AcaStat Mac
10.5.2 download... Frequencies > Descriptives > t-tests and ANOVA > Chi-square and association measures > Correlation, OLS and Logistic regression > Random sampling > Diagnostic Accuracy System Requirements --------------------------- Mac OS X ...
AcaStat Win
10.5.2 download... Frequencies > Descriptives > t-tests and ANOVA > Chi-square and association measures > Correlation, OLS and Logistic regression > Random sampling > Diagnostic Accuracy System Requirements --------------------------- Windows 7 SP1 ...