xaml downloads
Icons-Land XAML Emoticons
3.0 downloadVector emoticons are provided in XAML format to be used in WPF and Silverlight applications. Icons List: Adore, Aggressive, Angry, Badly, Beaten, Beer, Be Up To No Good, Big Smile, ...
WinRT XAML Controls
2022.1 Build 0365 downloadWinRT XAML Controls by Actipro Software LLC is a comprehensive ... platform. At the heart of WinRT XAML Controls is its extensive library of UI controls, ... user-friendly and inclusive. Navigation components within WinRT XAML Controls are another highlight, providing developers with tools ...
WPF XAML Obfuscator
8.7.1 downloadWPF XAML Obfuscator is a powerful tool used for an ... destroys the visible logical code structure. It protects XAML files in WPF application by completely muddling them ... are needed by the application to run. WPF XAML Obfuscator is an obfuscation tool for .NET code ...
Perpetuum UI Controls for Windows 8
2.0 download... UI Controls for Windows 8 a set of XAML UI components that will help you create Windows ... component sets date using the drop-down calendar control. XAML Rating Control. Add the ability to rate some ...
Axialis IconGenerator
1.4 download... ready-to-use icon sets. Supported vector formats are SVG, XAML, PDF, EPS, PS. You can also generate bitmap icons at all standard and custom sizes in PNG, BMP, JPEG, Windows ICO, ...
Windows Store Apps Obfuscator
8.7.1 download... Store? There are security vulnerabilities on windows 8 XAML-based metro style applications. Distinctly, the problems are fundamental ... 2019 and .NET Framework 4.5. Skater easily protects XAML-based metro style applications that are also known as ...
WPF Viewer for Reporting Services
3.2 download... that represents SQL Server Reporting Services reports as XAML thus making integration of Reporting Services into WPF applications seamless. Convenient Item Templates for Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012 and NuGet package make ...
PerpetuumSoft Viewers for SSRS
3.1 download... Viewer for Reporting Services offers a pack of XAML-based report viewers able to deliver SQL Server Reporting Services reports to the following platforms: Silverlight, WPF and WinRT. The following components ...
SharpShooter Reports.WinRT
7.3.1 downloadSharpShooter Reports.WinRT is a native WinRT XAML reporting component able to create even the most complex reports from various data sources such as SQL, ODBC, MySQL, XML or .NET-compatible data ...
ACZ Container
2.0.0 downloadACZ Container global platform. Document Manager allows to manage documents. It delivers many usefull functionalities. Document is defined as container for attachments. Configura document with its name, creation date, barcode and ...
11.2.5 download... wide range of UI needs. Additionally, it supports XAML, a powerful markup language that enables developers to design their interfaces declaratively, making the development process more intuitive and efficient. ...
2.0 downloadzApp allows you to create visual applications with a modern user interface very quickly and inexpensively. Applications written with zApp can be freely executed by any user with the free zApp ...
Wpf GridControl downloadDapfor Wpf GridControl is a high-performance thread-safe control for displaying table data in high-performance applications. It supports displaying both single header data (like Windows Explorer) and hierarchies with multiple independent headers ...
MindFusion.Reporting for WPF
1.4.2 download... effects, styles, and more; can be defined in XAML or in code; can be bound to virtually any data source and can be dynamically laid out to pages with an ...
Microsoft Visual Studio
2022 17.10.3 download... Visual Studio includes new, design centric tools for XAML and HTML5 applications. In addition, you can experience the application while you build it with the new interactive mode, significantly reducing ...
WPF Barcode Professional
5.0 download... VS ReportViewer Local Reports (RDLC) support - WPF XAML Browser Application (XBAP) support - .NET Framework 64-bit (x64) support - Supported Barcodes - Australia Post 4-state Barcode, ABC Codabar, USS ...
Silverlight Files Uploader
1.1 download... Blend, the control can be created declaratively in XAML markup or programmatically in code behind; Silverlight Module (XAP) and sample handlers - This modification is intended for simply solutions for ...
Tabs Studio
4.1.0 download... functionality to better allow for such cases. Utilizing XAML and custom add-ins, it enables the presentation of open documents in subject-related groups, multiple rows and in customization-enabled approaches, making navigation ...
All Icon Sets
2015.1 download... of the sets in AI, SVG, PDF, CDR, XAML, 3DMax, and PSD formats. ...
5.6.5 download... trueSpace, U3D, USGS DEM, VDA-FS, VRML1+2, Viewpoint VET, XAML, X3D, XGL, Wavefront OBJ, and just about every other major 3D file format. ...
SharpShooter Reports.WPF
6.5 downloadSharpShooter Reports.WPF is a native XAML-based reporting component designed to view reports created in SharpShooter Reports in Windows Presentation Foundation applications. This powerful report tool is able to create reports ...
2013.1 download... of the sets in AI, SVG, PDF, CDR, XAML, 3DMax, and PSD formats. ...
WinRT Viewer for Reporting Services
3.2 download... 8 Share-contract. The component is easy-to-setup. Only 3 XAML code lines and 4 lines of code in Code Behind - and the component is added. Styles and skins allow developers ...
Business Bonus Icon Collection
2.0 downloadBusiness Bonus Icon Collection contains all business Icon collections. Product Overview Grafile Icons offers developers and designers to build rich Windows smart client user experience that incorporates interface, menus, ribbon bars ...
Core Bonus Icon Collection
2.0 downloadCore Bonus Icon Collection contains all core Icon collections. Product Overview Grafile Icons offers developers and designers to build rich Windows smart client user experience that incorporates interface, menus, ribbon bars ...