acids downloads
4.7 download... Color Therapy, basic First Aid, Fever, Nutrition (Amino Acids, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals) and Diagnostic Aids. There's also a colorful Foot Reflexology chart! Most sections require registration to be fully functional. ...
CQFZ Worksheet Generator for Chemistry
1.7 download... own custom Worksheets - Inorganic nomenclature: Oxides, salts, acids, mono and polyatomic ions, halides,hydroxides - Organic nomenclature: Linear Branched chains, Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, Oxygen and Nitrogen functional groups - Easy and ...
BATE pH calculator download... 4 dissociation steps and titration curves for these acids and bases. Ionic strentgh can be calculated from ... solution. Program contains editable database of common weak acids and bases and accepts acid and base dissociation ...
pH Scale
1.6.16 download... Colorado, designed to demystify the complex world of acids and bases for students, educators, and curious minds alike. This engaging simulation provides a hands-on experience that allows users to explore ...
Gromacs for Mac OS X and Linux
4.6.5 download... for biochemical molecules like proteins, lipids and nucleic acids that have a lot of complicated bonded interactions, but since GROMACS is extremely fast at calculating the nonbonded interactions (that usually ...
DPLS Scientific Calculator
3.2.1 download... homologous series, frequencies, shapes, angle types, material properties, acids, bases, conjugate pairs, ecological groups and biomes. The system includes interactive flowcharts for mechanical and electrical units. It has 9 colour ...
BySoft Food Additives downloadCheck if the food you buy contains additives dangerous to your health. Have you ever wondered what all of those e-numbers actually mean? This free application contains list of food additives ...
2.7.5 download... program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images. RasMol runs on wide range ...
UCSF Chimera
1.19.0 download... examination of complex biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules. The software supports a variety of file formats, ensuring compatibility with numerous molecular databases and facilitating the import ...
18.9 download... nutrient analysis, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids · Defaults to ounces or grams based on user input · Suggests foods based on current diet · Includes novel meal ...
Gene Runner
6.5.49 Beta downloadGene Runner saves the information on Amino Acids in tables and this data is also be used with the 'Protein Analysis' functions, the 'Suppressor' and the 'Translation Tables'. This is ...
Nutrigenic Helper
1.22 download... values. Also allows to get reports about fatty acids quality distribution on the diet and the list of the USDA food groups present in the patient diet. Nutritional Helper is ...
Jelly: Antistress Simulator
2.0.16 download... slimes that realistically simulate dangerous liquids such as acids, poisons, and oils. The app allows you to play with them safely and dig deeper beneath the surface of what is ...