spam filter/blocker downloads
Spam Filter for ISPs downloadSpam Filter for ISPs is designed to be a front-end for your incoming SMTP server. Spam Filter for ISPs is a spam filter gateway. Spam Filter for ISPs receives all emails addressed to ...
Spam Bully 3 for Outlook downloadOutlook Bayesian spam filter intelligently keeps your Inbox spam free. Easy to use toolbar. Allow or block email addresses, IP's, words/phrases you choose. Block spam by country and language. Bounce spam back to ...
Spam Bully 3 for Outlook Express downloadOutlook Express Bayesian spam filter intelligently keeps your Inbox spam free. Easy to use toolbar. Allow or block email addresses, IP's, words/phrases you choose. Block spam by country and language. Bounce spam back to ...
Spam Bully 2.0 for Outlook 2000/2002/2003 downloadSpam Bully 2.0 is an easy to use self learning spam filter that integrates into Outlook. Uses Bayesian artificial ... personal email habits. Quickly learns what you consider spam and not spam. The more you use it, ...
No Spam Today! for Servers downloadNoSpamToday is a powerful SMTP/POP3 spam filtering solution with a number of useful security features that will help you do away with spam messages and will keep you safe from viral ...
No Spam Today! for Servers Freeware downloadNoSpamToday is a e-mail spam filter (SMTP/POP3) compatible to every known mail server ... flexible filter pipeline architecture allows combining the award-winning SpamAssassin filter, an attachment blocker, a remote blacklist filter ... the NoSpamToday admin application. Data available online includes spam statistics, mail logs (a listing of mails received, ...
No Spam Today! for Workstations downloadNo Spam Today! for Workstations was created for users of ... other POP3 email clients to protect mailboxes against spam, malicious attachments and viruses. Acting between your mail client and your mail server No Spam Today! for Workstations scans all incoming emails and ...
Emjysoft Anti-Spam
2025 21.2 download... employs advanced algorithms to accurately identify and segregate spam emails from legitimate ones. This ensures that users ... over time, becoming more adept at recognizing new spam patterns and evolving threats, thus providing a dynamic ...
SPAMfighter Standard
7.6.159 downloadSPAMfighter has teamed up with Microsoft to make an ... Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird. SPAMfighter is easy to install and use. With SPAMfighter Pro, you save time and frustration trying to ...
SpamBully for Outlook Express / Windows Mail downloadSpam Bully is a tool that utilizes an advanced Bayesian filter system based on thousands of spam messages. Spam Bully learns from every email message you send ... receive. This way it learns what you consider spam and what you consider acceptable email. There's a ...
SpamBully downloadOffice 365, Outlook, Live Mail, Outlook Express Bayesian spam filter intelligently keeps your Inbox spam free. Easy to use toolbar. Allow or block email addresses, IP's, words/phrases you choose. Block spam by country and language. Bounce spam back to ...
CleanMail Server download... a complete Windows build of the award-winning, open-source SpamAssassin filter. CleanMail integrates the Clam Anti-Virus package and ... the CleanMail Admin application. Data available online includes spam statistics, mail logs (a listing of mails received, ...
SPAMfighter Pro
7.6.159 downloadSPAMfighter has teamed up with Microsoft to make an ... Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail or Thunderbird. SPAMfighter is easy to install and use. With SPAMfighter Pro, you save time and frustration trying to ...
1.0 downloadSpamDummy! is a powerful and easy to use spam blocker for all POP3 email clients including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, and more. SpamDummy! blocks spam, email viruses, and harmful content directly ...
CleanMail Server Free download... a complete Windows build of the award-winning, open-source SpamAssassin filter. CleanMail integrates the Clam Anti-Virus package and ... the CleanMail Admin application. Data available online includes spam statistics, mail logs (a listing of mails received, ...
SPAMfighter Mail Gateway downloadSPAMfighter Mail Gateway, is the easy-to-use anti-spam solution for Microsoft Windows Servers. SPAMfighter Mail Gateway is powered by the SPAMfighter Server, which is updated by the SPAMfighter community of millions of users across the globe. ...
1.2 downloadModern spam protection services utilize a "one size fits all" technique. Emails spam are ranked on the collective email data of ... predefined rules is going to be circumvented by spammers and solicitors. The unique embedded InboxLock algorithm (or ...
CleanMail Home download... a complete Windows build of the award-winning, open-source SpamAssassin filter. The open-source ClamWin anti-virus package is available ... the CleanMail Admin application. Data available online includes spam statistics, mail logs (a listing of mails received, ...
CleanMail Home Portable download... a complete Windows build of the award-winning, open-source SpamAssassin filter. The open-source ClamWin anti-virus package is available ... the CleanMail Admin application. Data available online includes spam statistics, mail logs (a listing of mails received, ...
Vipre downloadThe Best Antivirus Protection from Today's Online Threats VIPRE Internet Security 2016 is our leading home antivirus protection software. It combines powerful antivirus and anti-spyware technologies with other advanced security ...
MessageBlocker download... formatted email message. This will also avoid that spammers get a confirmation of the correctness of your address and send you more spam in future. MessageBlocker prevents the execution of scripts ...