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NETEagle Xtreme
1.00 download... dealing with slow internet connections when playing online games, streaming music, audio and video with NETEagle. NETEagle is quite easy to use and understand. With a few mouse button ...
The Incredible Machine
download... can easily run this DOS game on Windows Vista, 7 and 10, without any additional effort. The ... uncompress the ZIP or 7z file into your Games folder (e.g. C:OldGames), then open the folder of ...
3DMark 2011
1.1.0 download... 11 hardware running on Windows 7 and Windows Vista the benchmark includes six all new benchmark tests ... represents the likely loads used by high end games in years to come. This preset is particularly ...
Voxal Plus-editie
8.00 download... plaatsvinden Compatibiliteit: * Compatibel met alle toepassingen en games * Laag CPU-gebruik verstoort andere draaiende toepassingen niet * Werkt op Windows 7, XP en Vista ...