Database Converter Software downloadAutomatic MSSQL to MySQL database converter application converts MSSQL database format into MySQL database format. Automatic MSSQL database to MySQL server converter software provides optimum result in very less time while ...
Database Conversion Software downloadLatest version of Database Conversion Software easily works with all major versions of MS SQL server. Database convertor program is non-destructive tool to convert MSSQL server database records to MySQL database ...
Database Toolbar Icons
2013.2 downloadDatabase applications don't have to be boring! Enhance the appearance of your database with slick, modern icons. Database Toolbar Icons is a set of over two hundred images that depict various ...
Database Conversion Software downloadProficient database migration software is time saving and trust worthy that does not cause any harm to integrity of data base records during conversion process. Technically advance DRPU database conversion software ...
Database Browser Portable downloadThis easy to use tool allows user to connect to any database and browse or modify data ,run sql scripts, export and print data. There are two versions available. Standard and ...
K Database Magic downloadDatabase Desktop, SQL manager, merge data, data comparison and many more function in one software. It accomodate a simple admittance to datasets like other database handling products. Firstly it doesn't concentrate ...
Database Browser downloadThis easy to use tool allows user to connect to any database and browse or modify data ,run sql scripts, export and print data. There are two versions available. Standard and ...
March.2025 downloadIP2Location(tm) IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region and city. Developers use this database for projects related to: 1. Display native language and currency; 2. Redirect ...
MSSQL to MySQL Database Conversion downloadDatabase transformation application converts all selected MSSQL database table records safely and quickly into MySQL server Db. Microsoft SQL to MySQL database conversion tool converts and stores MSSQL database into a ...
Convert MSSQL database downloadMSSQL to MySQL database converter utility provides fast, reliable and sophisticated database conversion facility to the users who want to convert database records created in MSSQL to MySQL database server in ...
MySQL to MS Excel Database Converter downloadDo you want to interchange whole database records in other database format then you have to download easy to use MySQL to MS Excel Database Converter software. Technically advanced professional database ...
Convert Database downloadWindows based Convert Database tool is perfect solution to transform all selected database records including primary key, unique key, tables, columns, rows views, structure, and fields from MSSQL to My SQL ...
ABA Database Convert
2.9 downloadABA Database Convert allow to save the records from directory into another formats. Supported the most popular table formats including paradox, dBase, FoxPro, Clarion, MS Access, DBISAM, Advantage, ADO/ODBC. All features ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Basic Edition)
January.2025 downloadGeoDataSource Cities Database Basic Edition contains city names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format suitable for ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Premium Edition)
March.2025 downloadGeoDataSource Cities Database Premium Edition contains 2.9+ million entries with city names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions, sub-regions, state or First-Order ...
GeoDataSource World Water Features Database (Basic Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Water Features Database Basic Edition contains water feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Water Features Database (Premium Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Water Features Database Premium Edition contains water feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Structural Features Database (Basic Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Structural Features Database Basic Edition contains structural feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Land Features Database (Basic Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Land Features Database Basic Edition contains land feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Land Features Database (Premium Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Land Features Database Premium Edition contains land feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Water Features Database (Gold Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Water Features Database Gold Edition contains water feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Structural Features Database (Premium Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Structural Features Database Premium Edition contains structural feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Free Edition)
January.2025 downloadGeoDataSource Free Cities Edition provides geographical database of world features, cities with place names and region names. Free database of worldwide cities in text format suitable for any applications requiring a ...
GeoDataSource World Structural Features Database (Gold Edition)
October.2011 downloadGeoDataSource Structural Features Database Gold Edition contains structural feature names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions and sub-regions. Database in text format ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Gold Edition)
March.2025 downloadGeoDataSource Cities Database Gold Edition contains 2.9+ million entries with city names in original language and English, feature type classifications, country names in FIPS and ISO, regions, sub-regions, state or First-Order ...