Featured Calculators & Converters
![Deskcalc - Desktop adding machine screenshot](http://www.pmasoft.net/screenshot/taxcalc50percent_gr.png)
Deskcalc - Desktop adding ma..
Software adding machine, tape, Excel export, correction possibilities, sales tax
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ESBUnitConv Pro
Oct 8, 2018 2.885 User friendly Windows Util to easily convert between 1025 units of measurement.
Hermetic Word Frequency..
Nov 18, 2023 1.403 Counts frequencies of words and phrases in a single file and in multiple files.
Most popular Calculators & Converters downloads
Abacre Mortgage Loan Calculator
1.0 downloadAbacre Mortgage Loan Calculator helps to effectively solve most common cases of home mortgage loan analysis, optimization and refinancing: what is a monthly payment for mortgage, what is a maximum principal can ...
Mortgage Loan Calculator
1.1 download... the true cost of their mortgage and other loans - saving them money and time and getting ... into their templates to display MLCalc's mortgage and loan calculators on all their pages automatically. Need MLCalc ...
Ezy Loan Calculator
3.2 downloadDownload very user friendly Loan Amortizer. It has the following features `extra payments, skipped payments, late payments, lump sum payments, graphs, interest rate change, country compounding, and much more`. Version 3.2 highlights: 3 comparative loan amortization columns. Supports different countries, compounding methods. New ...
Mortgage Calculator by MLCalc.com
1.0.0 downloadMortgage Calculator is a convenient tool designed to help you with your financial matters. An easy-to-use solution, you can quickly calculate mortgage repayment rates as well as those of other types of loans including property tax and insurance. The tables also ...