Featured Password Managers

DualSafe Password Manager
DualSafe Password Manager - A simple, secure, strong, and smart password manager
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Mar 12, 2025 4.599 Saves passwords, automatically logs into websites and applications, fills forms.
Hack password
Aug 25, 2006 47.800 Hides the windows password character. Finally you can see what you type.
Oct 15, 2017 1.016 OrgPassword is a competently organized keeper of passwords and personal data
Sticky Password Free
Oct 9, 2019 2.144 Never forget a password again. Sticky Password saves & fills them for you.
Most popular Password Managers downloads
2017 download... complexe pour dejouer et lever les securites de Facebook. De plus, notre team nous rapporte en temps reel les dernieres failles de securite de Facebook, ce qui permet a notre script d'etre constamment ...
Facebook Password Decryptor
15.0 downloadFacebook Password Decryptor is the FREE Software to instantly recover your forgotten Facebook passwords by 30+ popular web browsers. It is ... Waterfox Browserr Here are the main features of Facebook Password Decryptor * Recover your forgotten Facebook passwords ...
Facebook Password Recovery Pro 2020
5.1 downloadXenArmor Facebook Password Recovery Pro is the enterprise software to help you instantly recover your lost or forgotten Facebook password from 30+ top browsers such as Chrome, ... Once recovered, you can remove all or selected Facebook password, thus preventing it from being stolen by ...
Facebook Password Dump
8.0 downloadFacebook Password Dump is the command-line tool to instantly recover your lost Facebook password from popular web browsers and messengers. Currently it can recover your Facebook password from following applications, # Firefox # Google ...
Password Decryptor for Facebook
15.0 downloadFacebook Password Decryptor is the FREE Software to instantly recover your forgotten Facebook passwords by 30+ popular web browsers. It is ... Waterfox Browserr Here are the main features of Facebook Password Decryptor * Recover your forgotten Facebook passwords ...
XenArmor Facebook Password Recovery Pro
5.0 downloadFacebook Password Recovery Pro is the enterprise software to help you instantly recover your lost or forgotten Facebook password from 30 top browsers such as Chrome, ... Once recovered, you can remove all or selected Facebook password, thus preventing it from being stolen by ...