Browse Math & Scientific Tools software downloads


28.11 download

TRANSDATpro Coordinate Transformation and datum shifts with highest accuracy

Eye4Software Hydromagic download

Hydrographic Survey Software for Windows, Single Beam Data Collection

Match n Freq

6.8 download

Pulse shaping filter program; finds the pole-zero locations of transfer function


2.0 download

A powerful statistics and statistical analysis add-in for Microsoft Excel

MITCalc Plates design and calculation

1.15 download

Deflection, stress and variation of forces in the loaded flat plates

mini Scanned PDF to XML OCR Converter

3.2 download

Scanned PDF to XML OCR Converter is a best OCR Converter


3.5 download

Solves sets of mathematical equations. Type equations and the solution is found.

PhysPro Fluid Properties download

Estimate Fluids physical and chemical properties, mixture properties

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

5.0.4 download

A free scienfitic graphing calculator that's like using the real thing.

Cheewoo Nest 2D

2.5.1010.1029 download

2D true shape part nesting program to maximize plate / sheet stock saving

Cheewoo Part CAM

2.3.1002.1008 download

CNC part program generation CAM for plasma, laser, knife, water jet cutting

Machine44 Classification

1.0 download

Machine44 Classification is a free desktop based machine learning software for Windows.

LITIO2 3D Sheet metal unfolding soft

2.0.6 download

Sheet metal fabrication for AutoCAD, GStarCAD, BricsCAD & ZWCad

EngiLab Frame.2D 2021

3.5 download

Powerful engineering software for the linear static analysis of plane frames

FFT Properties

6.4 download

Time series and frequency spectrum analyzer for scientists and engineers.


7.1 download

Freeware for fast development,application of neural and conventional classifiers

Super Unit Converter download

It can convert between a wide range of units of measurement.

SageMath for Mac OS X

9.7 download

A comprehensive cross-platform mathematics software system


24.12 download

TRANSDAT Coordinate conversion and datum shifts with highest accuracy

BioStat 2009 download

BioStat - user-friendly biology and medicine oriented statistical software

LITIO2 3D Sheet metal unfolding soft

2.0.6 download

Sheet metal fabrication for AutoCAD, GStarCAD, BricsCAD & ZWCad

EngiLab Truss.2D 2022

1.1 download

Powerful engineering software for the linear static analysis of plane trusses


15.10 download

Modeling of Helmert Seven Parameter Sets from identical points


2.2.7137.1 download

Bearing capacity of shallow foundations considering shear failure & settlement.


15.02 download

Modeling of Helmert Seven Parameter Sets from identical points