Browse Math & Scientific Tools software downloads

ThGMaths download

Solve your maths easily with ThgMaths. Matrices, Complex Number Variables

MITCalc Springs 15 types

1.17 download

Geometrical design and strength check of 15 springs types

RTF to EMF Converter

2.00 download

RTF to EMF Converter does convert RTF to EMF, it supports command line

HTML to Image Converter Command Line (Developer License)

2.0 download

HTML to Image Converter can be used to convert html, mhtml files to image files

HTML Print to EMF Converter

2.0 download

HTML Print to EMF Converter does batch print HTML to EMF

ThermalWall download

Calculus of the fundamental dynamic thermal characteristics of a multilayer wall

Cellular Automaton

2.0 download

Cellular Automaton ver. 2.0 is a simulator of a two-dimensional cellular automat

MITCalc Shells

1.13 download

Shells - Deformation and stress of rotational shells

PDF to Flash Flip Book

1.7 download

PDF to Flash Flip Book is flipbook software that used to convert PDF to flipbook


2.2.7137.1 download

Bearing capacity of shallow foundations considering shear failure & settlement.

MITCalc Force shaft connection

1.20 download

Designs and strength checks of force couplings of shafts with hubs

MITCalc Profiles Calculation

1.20 download

Area characteristic of profiles and mass characteristic of solids

MITCalc Multi pulley calculation

1.21 download

Designs of belt and chain transmission with more sprocket wheels

MITCalc Straight beams calculation

1.21 download

Calculations of the straight beams with constant cross section.

Python Operating Environment download

Enjoy Python with sentient editors, in/out portals, and selective execution

MITCalc Tolerances

1.20 download

Tolerances, deviations and fits of machine parts

Cheewoo Pipe Template

2.4.1002.1008 download

Generate pipe cutting template pattern for manual 3D pipe profile cutting job.