Browse Math & Scientific Tools software downloads


6.2.2 download

Statistical analysis on a Mac made easy with StatPlus:mac and Microsoft Excel

StatPlus download

Statistical analysis program and spreadsheet. Easy to use.

PowerStar Electrical

5.01 download

PowerStar Electrical Software for calculation of radial or star type circuits.

5 award

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

5.0.4 download

A free scienfitic graphing calculator that's like using the real thing.


17.1 download

Software suitable for Engineering,Chemistry/Science, Professionals/education.


2.0 download

A powerful statistics and statistical analysis add-in for Microsoft Excel

Briz Chart Video Player

1.00 download

Present statistical data related to videos, such as TV ratings.

TriLookupLite Mac

3.0 download

Advanced 1, 2 and 3 variable look-up and interpolation functions for Excel.


3.0 download

Advanced 1, 2 and 3 variable look-up and interpolation functions for Excel.


3.0 download

Advanced 1, 2 and 3 variable look-up and interpolation functions for Excel.

Maths Info Plus Solvers

1.4 download

App provides maths information sheets,equations solvers in various maths fields.


3.0 download

Alligator Ver. 3.0 Calculates volumes of two solutions needed to make A final mi

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator download

Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator is a tool to convert GPS or map coordinates


3.50 download

Develve Statistical Software Quality Improvement DOE weibull Gauge R&R samplsize


3.5 download

Solves sets of mathematical equations. Type equations and the solution is found.

Python Operating Environment download

Enjoy Python with sentient editors, in/out portals, and selective execution


2.7 download

Design and simulation of continuous and time discrete automatic control systems

Eye4Software Hydromagic download

Hydrographic Survey Software for Windows, Single Beam Data Collection

KLONK Map Measurement download

Easy and fast measurements on earth

Trades Math Calculator

2.0.1a download

Solve common machine shop math problems quickly and easily!

Powerstaxx Standard

2.3.0 download

Powerstaxx Standard - 25 worst case and RSS stackups on one Excel spreadsheet.

Powerstaxx Lite

2.3.0 download

Powerstaxx Lite - 10 worst case and RSS stackups on one Excel spreadsheet.

Powerstaxx Non Linear

1.2.0 download

Powerstaxx NL - 200 worst case and RSS stackups on one Excel spreadsheet.

Powerstaxx Plus

2.4.0 download

Powerstaxx Plus - 80 worst case and RSS stackups on one Excel spreadsheet.


7.06 download

Statistical data analysis software for business, science, marketing, & education