Browse Development software downloads

TAdvCardList download

Highly customizable & flexible editable card list

TAdvSmartMessageBox download

Add inobtrusive user messages to your applications


1.42 download

Extends Visual Studio and adds graphical view capabilities to the debugger

Macrobject CHM-2-Web Professional 2009

2009.2.410.1520 download

Help Authoring Tool Convert CHM to Web help and CHM to Web help

Lingobit Extractor

1.1 download

Extracts hard-coded strings from source files to resources

HTMLCombobox download

A combobox that can contain text with HTML formatting capabilities

Easy Code for GoAsm download

The interface for Easy Code for GoAsm


4.5 download

A tool for the application developer in C #, VB. Net, or AP. Net

Funambol Sync Server SDK

10.0.0 download

Extend the server capabilities developing new connectors

Android Development Tools

23.0.7 download

Gives you a powerful, integrated environment

iText Editor

1.0 download

Designed to enable you to write and edit text

RapidSpell WPF

3.0 download

Add as-you-type and dialog spell checking into WPF applications.

Gecko SDK

2.0 download

A set of XPIDL files, headers and tools to develop XPCOM components

diamFC flowchart generator

1.12.019 download

Tool for generate flowchart from source code Pascal/Delphi

Windows Phone SDK

8.0 download

Test Windows Phone 8 Series phone applications

Orange Heap

1.3 B29 download

Free and efficient way to protect your .NET software

C# Excel Worksheet

2022.11.10251 download

Read, create, edit, and copy spreadsheets with C# Excel Worksheet.


2.0 download

Send the required soap messages to the WhereIsNow WebService

ASP Universal FormatDateTime

1.0 download

format DateTime using all possible and customizable patterns (in ASP)

UUID-GUID Generator Portable

3.0 download

A lightweight, easy to use unique identifier generator

CactusGUI Alpha download

Accessible Graphical User Interface for Pygame

SocketTools File Transfer

9.2.9200.2450 download

File transfer .NET and ActiveX components for Internet application development

UML Diagram Maker

8 download

Create UML diagrams and ERD with minimum time loss!

EaseFilter Process Filter Driver SDK download

process monitoring and protection, get notification for process creation


2021R1 download

Designed to enable users to combine, merge or split PDF documents