Browse Help Tools software downloads

Comm Operator download

Comm Operator is a communication software for Serial Port, TCP/IP, UDP, I2C,HTTP

5 award

InFile Seeker download

A tool designed to search for words or strings inside many text-based files.

Macrobject Help Authoring Suite

7.4004.2075 download

Help authoring tool for create help system. A click convert word to help system.

KindleGen for Mac OS X

2.9 B1029 download

Enable you to quickly generate personalized e-books

KindleGen for Linux

2.9 B1029 download

Enable you to quickly generate personalized e-books


2.9 B1029 download

Enable you to quickly generate personalized e-books

OneClickHelp download

Converts Word to Help files with format Chm, Aspx, Html, HxS. Converts Chm2Word.

IdealAutomate download

Download Free App to Automate Any Computer Task

Automatic App Translator

1.1.1 download

Automatically translate your apps .storyboard, .xib, and .strings files.


6.4.0 download

Designed around creating header files for HTML Help Workshop.

Fast File Finder by Autosofted

1.0 download

A fast file finder tool used to quickly search for a file.

CHM OwnerGuard

12.7.9 download

DRM, Security, Copy Protection and Watermarking Solution for CHM Documents

5 award download - the real copy and paste. saves you hundreds of clicks a day

Simple USB Logger

1.7 download

This free software monitors USB packets between USB driver and USB device.

WinCHM for Word

3.05 download

Create help files (HTML Help, Web Help and PDF) from Microsoft Word document

Sunflower Quick Query For Oracle

0.91 download

Generate your SQL the easy way for Oracle

Ideal Tools Organizer download

Launch Applications instantly by creating a central repository of pointers


0.3.7 download

PhpClassView is a standalone classbrowser and documentation-tool for PHP-Classes

Macrobject DObject O/R Mapping Suite

6.23.929 download

An O/R Mapping (Object-Relation Mapping) component package for Borland Delphi.

Precision Helper

2.0 download

Feature rich help authoring tool, that works natively with Microsoft HHP format

NorthBright CHM Tool download

A program that can decompile CHM files and save current page as HTML/MHT file

Gray Simulator

1.8 download

OPC Simulator Server


1.0 download

Save data to db, you can also upload or download Excel tables to and form db


1.0 download

Character_Picker lets you lookup Unicodes of all characters

Macrobject CHM-2-Web Standard 2009

2009.2.410.1520 download

Help Authoring Tool Convert CHM to Web help and CHM e-book to Online help and