Free Education software downloads
- Computer118
- Dictionaries239
- Geography17
- Kids31
- Languages326
- Mathematics126
- Reference Tools32
- Science134
- Teaching & Training Tools324
- Other544
SmartVizor is a stand alone,powerful,extremely easy to use VDP software
Student Response Network turns your computer lab into Virtual Clickers!
English into plain English machine translation.
Grammatical analysis of the German sentence
German orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker
Electronic thesaurus of place names. Groups together related place names.
Italian orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker
electronic thesaurus of linguistic terminology
French orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker.
Grammatical analysis of the English sentence
English orthographical, grammatical, spell-checker
Text Attribution to a particular subject field.
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English <-> Bulgarian for Windows
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English <-> Tagalog(Philippines) for Pocket PC
LingvoSoft Dictionary 2009 English <-> Romanian for Pocket PC
CMZ2 Magic Worksheet Generator for Mathematics for Windows
CQFZ MagicWorksheet Generator for Chemistry for Windows
Create Interactive Flash Quizzes from PowerPoint easily with PowerQuizPoint.
Watch and learn how to develop VC++ applications
Program for translation words from several languages.
Open-source code for Monte Carlo simulation of coupled electron-photon transport
Sage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL.