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Get help with your assignment and essay writing
Free Horoscope software with personalized astrology report, horoscope prediction
A high precision solar system simulator/calculator with interactive 3D viewing.
A high precision solar system simulator/calculator with interactive 3D viewing.
Easy to use astronomy software solution that simulates the solar system
Can help you log and plan your visual astronomical observations
Can help you log and plan your visual astronomical observations
AstroWin is a program that presents many different astrological techniques
Spell check & automatically correct spelling errors as you type anywhere anytime
AthTek SkypePC is an invisible Skype call recorder program for parental control.
Periodic table of the elements software with a wealth of nuclear information.
Periodic table of the elements software with a wealth of nuclear information.
13-language spelling checker (not a translator)!
Multi-channel Multi-tone audio frequency sinusoidal & noise signal generator
Multi-channel Audio Spectrum Analyzer for Real-time
An application that will teach you music with ease
Auto generate bibliography and references for your assignment, essay and papers.
Auto Rewrite paragraphs and text for unique content
Auto Writer can write any assignment, essay or article in few seconds.
A simulation of a NYC Transit Authority train traveling by automatic signals
Visualization of hierarchical 3-dimensional curves
Visualization of quantum hierarchical 3-dimensional curves
A simulation of a NYC Transit Authority train traveling by automatic signals.
Professional assessment software for testing of your staff and students.