Browse Other software downloads

Studies for Mac OS X

1.8.5 download

Helps you learn and remember information with ease

Kobo Desktop Application

4.37 B19051 download

Read, build a digital library and shop for eBooks on your computer

HermeneutiX for Mac OS X

2.4.4 download

Designed to help users with the diagramming syntactic


2.4.4 download

Designed to help users with the diagramming syntactic

Chronojump for Linux

2.3.0-31 download

Designed to measure times for various sports based on a user's weight


2.3.0-31 download

Designed to measure times for various sports based on a user's weight


2.00 download

Versatile Chinese dictionary program that can be used to create documents

Cute CW

2.0 download

A small tool will allow you to learn the morse code

Jutoh Portable

3.16 download

Create ebooks in Epub, Mobipocket and other formats

Jutoh for Mac OS X

3.16 download

Create ebooks in Epub, Mobipocket and other formats

Plant Base

2.1.15 download

An encyclopedia of garden and wild plant species

5 award


one download

zerzo creates EPub 3.2 compatible documents. In zerzo you can create pages with


1.9 download

Dolch Sight Word tutor with result database and multiple difficulty levels

Tagaini Jisho for Mac OS X

1.2.2 download

A Japanese vocabulary / Kanjis dictionary and study assistant

Tagaini Jisho for Linux

1.2.2 download

A Japanese vocabulary / Kanjis dictionary and study assistant

Tagaini Jisho

1.2.2 download

A Japanese vocabulary / Kanjis dictionary and study assistant

Diving Log for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

3.5.10 download

Enable scuba divers to create a log with all their experiences


7.20.5 download

Designed to allow them read or study the Bible from their computer

Liquefaction Analysis Program

4.0.2020.905 download

Liquefaction assessment based on SPT, BDT and shear wave velocity / 9 methods


8.7 download

Editing utility that you can use to evaluate mathematical expressions

Lucidor for Mac OS X

0.9.15-1 download

A computer program for reading and handling e-books

Lucidor for Linux

0.9.15-1 download

A computer program for reading and handling e-books


0.9.15-1 download

A computer program for reading and handling e-books

Boat Scenario for Mac OS X

202008 download

Help you create boat race scenarios and export them to image or animation files

Boat Scenario

202008 download

Help you create boat race scenarios and export them to image or animation files