Browse Cataloging software downloads
LignUp Multi Collector Free
5.15.33 downloadUniversal tool for managing many collections with any collectibles
LignUp Multi Collector PRO
5.15.33 downloadUniversal tool for managing many collections with any collectibles
Stamp Organizer Deluxe
4.11 downloadOrganize and manage your stamp collections.
Sports Card Organizer Deluxe
4.11 downloadOrganize and manage your sports card collections.
Jaeger und Sammler/The Collectors Choice
1.8.5 downloaduser-friendly and easy-to use coin collection management program
4.1.16 downloadKeep data according your own rules and easy find what you need with azzCardfile
LignUp Stamps Multi Collector MacOS
5.14.5 downloadStamps collecting and organizing for Mac
4.1.7 downloadSmall footprint, easy to use electronic home filing system
LignUp Stamps Multi Collector Free (Mac)
5.14.5 downloadStamps collecting and organizing for Mac
2011.1.1 downloadStore & Manage Notes, Documents, Tasks, Info, Links - Web Autologin, Forms Fill.
Broken X Disk Manager
4.12 downloadManage your CD/DVD collection and other media with this disk catalog.
LignUp Books Multi Collector
5.12.11 downloadBooks collecting and organizing
2016 downloadUse CurrencyManage to quickly catalog & value your paper money collection.
The StarMessage Diary Software
3.5 downloadAn excellent way to keep a private diary of day to day thoughts, and memories.
CoinManage USA Coin Collecting Software
2015 downloadUse CoinManage software to quickly catalog and value your coin collection
2.2.1 downloadBookmanager is a program with which you are able to manage your books easily.
PowerBK Book Organizer Software
4.2.8 downloadSoftware to organize and catalogue books, magazines, papers, ...
Personal Video Database downloadOrganize your movie collection
PowerDREAM Software to catalogue dreams
4.2.3 downloadSoftware to cataloque dreams, with search, print and report generation features
1.89 downloadMelomania is a handy music collection software for Windows.