Browse Home & Hobby software downloads


2.241 download

Desklog: Streamline your workflow with powerful time tracking and productivity tools.

Desktop Projector

3.4.0 download

G.Projector: A powerful tool for creating stunning global projections.


3.1.0 download

Artisan: A powerful tool for coffee roasting management and analysis.


3.0 download

Designed specifically for solvers of diagramless crossword puzzles

Diagnil for Mac OS X

3.0 download

Designed specifically for solvers of diagramless crossword puzzles

Diagnil for XP

3.0 download

Designed specifically for solvers of diagramless crossword puzzles

Diets In Details download

DietsInDetails it is free calorie counter (more 50,000+ food names), diary.


0.62.0 download

Difftastic: A powerful tool for visually comparing text files with ease.


2.3.2+36 download

Dikt: A minimalist tool for managing and sharing text snippets effortlessly.


1.5 download

Discotheek changes your screen into a night club spotlight.


3.1.1 download

DiscretePath: Streamlined software for efficient pathfinding solutions.

Dishbase for Mac

1.4.2 download

Convenient recipe browser powered by recipe database.

Dive Log Book

2.3.1 download

Keep a record of your diving expeditions with various technical data

Do It StendUp download

StendUp will remind you that it is time to get up and move.


1.9.4 download

DocuCan is an easy to use document manager for the home user

Dolphin Guide

9.06 download

An suite of useful applications for the elderly people


1.1.3 download

User-friendly GUI for editing DPE files with intuitive features.

Dr. Regener Sun-Moon-Calendar

9.0 download

Sun-Moon-Calendar for 110 Countries, Holidays, Signs of Zodiac, Saint's Days

Draft IT PRO

5.0.34 download

Streamline your drafting with intuitive tools and professional templates.


4.10 download

Drafter: Streamline your drafting process with intuitive design tools.

5 award


2025 SP1 download

A better way to create, edit and view DWG files

Drudge Reader for Windows Phone

4.6.0 download

Performance improvements for faster downloads of headlines


1.0.3 download

DSAdvance: A versatile tool for streamlined data management and analysis.

Dupe Away

3.1.1 download

Helps you detect and delete duplicate and invalid entries

Dupe Away for Mac OS X

3.0.9 download

Helps you detect and delete duplicate and invalid entries