Browse Home & Hobby software downloads

Expenses Manager download

The Expenses Manager makes it easy to analyze home expenses.

PDF2CSV Convert

10.6.13 download

Extract financial transactions from PDF statements into .CSV format for editing.

Subliminal software

2.1 download

Subliminal software reprograms your mind for the best state

Alfa Ebooks Manager

8 download

The most powerful and easy-to-use book organizer

VeBest Numerology for Mac

7.3.3 download

Mac Numerology software for chart calculation, prediction and compatibility

Subliminal messsaging affirmations

2.2 download

Displays quick subliminal messages.

Comic Collector Live download

Comic Collector Live FREE Desktop Software to Organizer and Sell all Your Comics

TestWater download

Determines water balance using langelier saturation index and custom analysis

Dupe Away for Mac OS X

3.0.9 download

Helps you detect and delete duplicate and invalid entries


10.5.4 download

Transform raster images into editable CAD files effortlessly.

Parabator 2 - "perk" booster mod

1.0 download

Parabator 2 - "perk" booster mod

Expert Lotto

5.12 Build 241208 download

Expert Lotto: Your ultimate tool for analyzing and predicting lottery outcomes.


1.33 download

AnyMeal: Open-source recipe database software for managing and organizing meals.


1.5 download

Erasmus: Comprehensive Bible study app with advanced search and annotation tools.

Capture Student Edition

2024.0.44 download

Capture Student Edition: Intuitive software for immersive event visualization.

BookBake Publisher

1.1 download

Create interactive ebook applications with elegant interfaces

Ask Guru Joe

1.42 download

What do the stars have in store for you? Ask the Guru for answers!

Sudoku Solver Software

7.0 download

Solve Sudoku puzzles by entering the partially completed grid.


4.0.a5 download

A simple, easy-to-use and reliable unit conversion application

PTraffic Pro

1.3.1 download

Schedule table editor includes browser applications to show different views.


1.3.1 download

theLibrarian is a powerful application for cataloguing, organizing and managing


3.2.6a download

Free42: A powerful, user-friendly scientific calculator for all platforms.

New Version


4.4.3 download

WriteMapper: Transform mind maps into structured writing effortlessly.

Reverso Context for Chrome download

Reverso: Effortless translation and contextual language learning tool.


4.1.273 download

Comprehensive software for wind energy project design and analysis.