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MailButler for Mac OS X

2819 download

Email assistant that integrates seamlessly with your Apple Mail

Q Serial Terminal

1.02 download

Specially designed to offer you a QT-based serial terminal program


3.15 download

Advanced Internet connection manager and keeper

CLIQZ for Mac OS X

1.36.0 download

Experience a new dimension of surfing with the Cliqz browser

SysUpTime network monitor

7.0 B7002 download

The Best Affordable Network Management Software


3.34 download

The fastest and most versatile MUD client from the creator of zMUD

Murus for Mac OS X

2.0.3 download

A small and handy front-end for the PF network firewall

BookMacster for Mac OS X

2.10.24 download

Versatile bookmarks management application


2.2.0 download

Computes your netmask, cidr, subnet, supernet and network


3.5.17 download

Very Useful Active Directory Import/Export Tool

Synkmark for Mac OS X

2.10.24 download

Synchronize your bookmarks between Firefox, Safari and Chrome

Quip for Mac OS X

7.9.0 download

Connect to your Quip account and experience the service in a native desktop clie

SiteAnalyzer download

The program for scanning and analysis of the site

PositionMeter download

Check site positions in the search engines Yandex and Google

Merlin JustDeals

2.2.81 download

Automatically search eBay for only buy-it-now auctions

LanScan for Mac OS X

6.3.2 download

Scan your network and detect all the connected devices

StorURL Portable download

Helps you to store links to all of your favorite websites

StorURL download

Helps you to store links to all of your favorite websites

MacWise for Mac OS X

20.2.4 download

Connect to host computers via terminal emulators

SkyDrive for Android

6.2.4 download

Free cloud storage that's accessible from anywhere

Wi-Fi Hotspot

1.1 download

Share network connection via creation Wi-Fi access point.


3.00 download

IPv4 IP Address Randomizer for Windows Vista and above

Wikipedia Bio References

Build 543 download

Improve wiki articles with the help of this piece of software

DynDNS Service download

Enable you to have your computer's public IP address updated


3.8.2 B5480 download

Open source Graphic User Interface (GUI) for OpenVPN