Browse Servers software downloads
AfterLogic XMail Server Linux Edition
2.5 downloadFree open source POP3/SMTP mail server with AJAX webmail and SSL support
AfterLogic XMail Server Windows Edition
2.5 downloadFree open source POP3/SMTP mail server with AJAX webmail and SSL support
16.5.3 downloadSolution for better Lotus Notes and Domino agent management
Ahsay Cloud Backup Suite downloadComprehensive cloud backup solution for secure data protection and recovery.
Air Playit Server
1.5 downloadAir Playit - streaming video audio on computer to iPhone, iPad, iPod for free
Air Playit Server for Mac
1.5 downloadAir Playit Server for Mac - free streaming video audio from Mac to iPhone, iPad
Air Video Server
2.3.0 Beta 1 downloadAllow you to stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone
Air Video Server for Mac OS X
2.3.0 Beta 1 downloadAllow you to stream videos in almost any format to your iPhone
Alax.Info DHCP Server
1.1.0 downloadStandalone DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server
Alt-N MDaemon Messaging Server
24.0.1 downloadSecure POP/SMTP/IMAP/SyncML mail server
Alternate Firebird Copy
1.610 downloadCopy tables within two firebird or interbase databases
AnalogX SimpleServer:Shout
1.03 downloadSimple to use Shoutcast server
Anti DDoS Guardian downloadProtect your Windows servers from DDoS/DoS attacks.
Anti DDoS Guardian
5.1 downloadProtect your Windows servers from DDoS/DoS attacks.
Apache CouchDB
3.3.3 downloadA document database that completely embraces the web
Apache Derby downloadA powerful, open-source and versatile relational database management system
Apache HTTP Server
2.4.62 downloadRobust, open-source web server software for reliable content delivery.
Apache Tomcat
11.0.5 downloadAn open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages
Apache Tomcat x64
10.1.25 downloadAn open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages
1.20.8 downloadStreamline project management by linking related tasks effortlessly.
Aqua Data Studio
22.2.1 downloadSQL Query tool that allows developers to create edit and execute SQL scripts
3.11.8 downloadProvides support for graphs, geo-algorithms and SSD
ArangoDB for Linux
3.11.8 downloadProvides support for graphs, geo-algorithms and SSD