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Comm Operator NCD Edition

4.8 download

A powerful tool for relay controller boards of National Control Devices.

5 award

Comm Operator PPC

1.0 download

Debug tool for serial port communication devices on Pocket PC.

5 award

Command Prompt Portable

2.6 download

Utility that allows you to easily add a customizable command

CommanDOS download

Execute DOS commands by mouse click


1.12.1 download

Monitors Subversion repositories for new commits

CommitMonitor Portable

1.12.1 download

Monitors Subversion repositories for new commits

CommitMonitor x64

1.12.1 download

Monitors Subversion repositories for new commits

Comodo System Cleaner (32 bit)

4.0.30135.26 download

Make your Windows computer faster, more efficient and more secure

Comodo System Cleaner (64 bit)

4.0.30135.26 download

Make your Windows computer faster, more efficient and more secure

Computer Specifications

1.0 download

Find out your system specs on the go

ConceptDraw MINDMAP

3.5 download

ConceptDraw MINDMAP software for mind-mapping creative thinking brainstorming


Build 230724 download

Accessible and easy-to-use Windows console emulator

ConEmu Portable

Build 230724 download

Accessible and easy-to-use Windows console emulator

Configurable Desktop Clock

1.1 download

Desktop Clock Utility to Display Configurable Desktop Clock.

Conloco download

Keep your software up to date and download new software with ease

Connect and Shar

1.02 download

Control, monitor modem and Internet connection from any remote computer

ConsoleHoster download

An application aimed to easy the work with console-based applications


3.6 B1370 download

Synchronize contact data between Palm desktop and Microsoft Outlook

Content Scanner

1.0 download

Scan, detect and delete porn and pornography with this parental control tool.

Context Menu Editor

1.1 download

Add/delete application shortcuts, Win32 commands, files, and website urls

ControllerMate for Mac OS X

4.10.1 download

A powerful and versatile controller programming app

Convert Doc

18.20 download

Convert Files easily with 'Convert Doc'. The comprehensive file conversion tool.

Convert Document to Image

16.20 download

Convert DOC to Tiff, JPG, GIF, BMP etc. Fast & accurate. Batchable. Command line

Convert Files

0.1 download

Convert Files

Convert Multiple Zip Codes To City, State or City, State To Zip Codes Software

7.0 download

Search city, state and zip code information for multiple locations.