Browse Shell Tools software downloads
Folder Marker Pro - Changes Folder Icons
4.6 downloadChange folder icons on office computer with color-coded and image-coded icon.
3.0 downloadHighlight folders with a color of your choice, change folder color.
1.7 downloadShow subfolder sizes , manage and navigate.
GiMeSpace Desktop Extender downloadExtends you Desktop without Limits! Navigate by just moving your mouse.
GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 3D downloadExtends you Desktop without Limits! Navigate in 3D by just moving your mouse.
GiMeSpace Free Edition downloadExtends you Desktop without Limits! Navigate by just moving your mouse.
GMail Drive shell extension
1.0.20 downloadCreates a virtual filesystem around your Google GMail account
goScreen downloadOrganize and add space to your computer's desktop.
1.61 downloadProbably the tiniest and fastest so expanded tweaker in the world.
Hide Window Hotkey
4.0 downloadHide applications quickly by Hotkey.Auto resize programs,transparency windows.
Jump List Manager Software
2.1 downloadJump List Software for Windows 7 to add shortcuts to Jump List
Key Remapper
1.11 downloadA multi-functional key, mouse button and mouse wheel remapper
2.40 downloadMaximize, minimize, close and restore windows
1.11 downloadDisable/enable items in the 'Open With' dialog-box of Windows.
3.4 downloadWindowsShell extension tools.Show/edit pdf documents metadata from Windows Shell
PEiD Tab downloadExtends the possibilities of Windows Explorer by adding a function studies of PE
Power Plan Assistant
3.3a downloadIs a multiple software that, created to redefine the Windows 7 / 8 / 10
3.90 downloadCheck and optimize the graphical efficiency of your PC
5.0 downloadConfigure a great number of properties for the selected file, folder or drive
PS Tray Factory
3.3.1 downloadHide,sort,restore system tray icons and easily manage them with PS Tray Factory
Quick Access Folders & Files
2.2 downloadDesktop enhancement and File Dialog Utility will help you Quick Access resource
Remote Computer Description Updater
1.4 downloadRemote Computer Description Updater
1.18.56 downloadRetroBar: A sleek taskbar replacement for a nostalgic Windows feel.