number spelling downloads
Mail Commander Home
10.61 download... requests and provides antispam message headersanalyzer. · Spelling checker · Program automatically highlights the misspelled words in your message by spelling checker supporting different dictionaries, completes the recipient name ... · Message templates · The program supports unlimited number of template topics. You can use custom templates ...
0.43 download... (Alt+F2 and F2). # Spell checking with alternative spelling suggestions. Many languages are supported. # Go to specific line number or percentage of files (Ctrl+G). # Auto Wrap ... and automatically converts tab characters to the equivalent number of spaces (Ctrl+E). # Toggle insertion of tab ...
4.0 download... at home. Learning is accomplished through answering a number of automatically-generated multiple-choice questions. Adaptive Smart Pick, sequential ... version and unconditional money-back guarantee offered. - Unlimited number of quizzes - Over 110 sample study modules ...
Cheque Printing Software ChequePRO
7.0.5 download... Check elements - Payee Name, Date, Amount in Number, Amount in figures, Authorized Person, Company, A/C Payee Only, Bearer, etc. Automatically Converts The Number Into Words With Prefix And Suffix. 2. Typo ...
NJStar Japanese WP
6.10 download... Sort Japanese text based on Kana, Radical or number of Strokes. * List and count the unique ... adjust spacing between characters, lines and paragraphs. * Spelling check with English, French, German, Italian, etc.. * ...
NJStar Chinese WP
6.10 download... Sort Chinese text based on Pinyin, Radical or number of Strokes. * NJStar comes with 32 built-in ... adjust spacing between characters, lines and paragraphs. * Spelling check with English, French, German, Italian, and other ...
SSuite WordGraph Editor download... and insert spreadsheets you created with Accel. A number of available features give you a fine degree ... letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages. Key features: - ...
1.2.21 download... people do, and Q10 lets them check their spelling. Notes. Any paragraph starting with ".." is ... ask Q10 to save your work after some number of new paragraphs, or after some time has ...
NJStar Chinese WP for Mac
6.10 download... Sort Chinese text based on Pinyin, Radical or number of Strokes. * NJStar comes with 32 built-in ... adjust spacing between characters, lines and paragraphs. * Spelling check with English, French, German, Italian, and other ...
NJStar Japanese WP for Mac
6.10 download... Sort Japanese text based on Kana, Radical or number of Strokes. * List and count the unique ... adjust spacing between characters, lines and paragraphs. * Spelling check with English, French, German, Italian, etc.. * ...
Ex-Lex Office Pro
2.34.14 download... insert spreadsheets you created with Accel. A number of available features give you a fine degree ... letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages{seven dictionaries included - ...
SSuite Office - Premium HD download... birthday card. WordGraph word processor: A number of available features give you a fine degree ... letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages{seven dictionaries included - ...
SSuite OmegaOffice HD+ download... birthday card. WordGraph word processor: A number of available features give you a fine degree ... letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages{seven dictionaries included - ...
SSuite Office - WordGraph download... insert spreadsheets you created with Accel. A number of available features give you a fine degree ... letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages{seven dictionaries included - ...
Mellel for Mac OS X
6.0.4 download... before. FEATURES General: Tables. Bulleted and numbered lists. Find and Replace. Hyphenation. Columns. MS Word ... Text selection and navigation. OS X services support. Spelling. Zoom in and out. Smart Quotes supporting multiple ...
SSuite WordGraph Editor download... and insert spreadsheets you created with Accel. A number of available features give you a fine degree ... letters, printing envelopes, or even help in finding spelling mistakes in several different languages. Key features: - ...
Interactive Birthday Card App
9.1 download... and enhances the overall message, while minimizing the number of assets used. How to interactive element can ... testing birthday card design, proofread and edit for spelling and grammatical errors. Print a test copy to ...