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Tweak PDF
3.0 download... to display document title, to fit window, to hide menubar, to hide toolbar, and to hide window UI. When window UI is made hidden, ...
Portable Don't Panic
3.1.0 Build 30 download... the features of Don't Panic!: · Close, hide or minimize as many programs as you want using the BlackList (by executable filename or keywords present in the window title) ...
Don't Panic
3.1.0 Build 30 download... the features of Don't Panic!: · Close, hide or minimize as many programs as you want using the BlackList (by executable filename or keywords present in the window title) ...
Anvide Lock Folder
3.27 download... for instant folders password protection. It helps securely hide sensitive data on hard drives and removable media. ... Everything is done very quickly, operate conveniently, securely hide folders.// ...
Don't Panic (x64 bit)
3.1.0 Build 30 download... the features of Don't Panic!: · Close, hide or minimize as many programs as you want using the BlackList (by executable filename or keywords present in the window title) ...
2.1 download... you draw on screen. You can draw, or hide your drawing, or save it to a file.And ... harmless to your PC. Use hot-keys to draw, hide your drawings or save your work to files. ...
Secret Messager
1.0.0 download... to send. The program generates encryption images which hide your message before you can send. The send ... decrypt files. Secret Images It allows you to hide messages in an image with a key. Before ...
Planet VPN - Free VPN Proxy download... any blocked web resources and services. While you hide your real IP address, you also get a military-grade traffic encryption on our servers. No registration required - just install the ...
1 Click & Lock
3.498 download... Just define a password, and select Lock to hide and deny access to your desktop to anyone without the proper password. You can set the program to launch automatically with ...
Easy File & Folder Protector
5.134 download... access to certain files and folders, or to hide them securely from viewing and searching. Easy File & Folder Protector has an easy-to-use user interface allowing you to allocate access ...
1.2 download... popular e-mail client. You can use TB-Tray to hide Thunderbird to the tray while you don't need it. When you click the tray icon, TB-Tray will restore Thunderbird. ...
Reveal Your Rank!
3.3 download... board game similar to Stratego from Milton Bradley. Hide your flag and guard it safely. You have 40 pieces to place strategically on the board. Your job is to capture ...
4.00 download... few important features : - SysTrayX helps you hide some of the less used icons from the system tray - the hidden icons can still be seen and used in ...
Search Plugin Manager (for Firefox tm)
1.03 download... tm web browser. Other functions: rename, edit, delete, hide, convert search plugins from Unix to DOS text. ...
Underwater World 3D Screensaver
1.01.5 download... the dolphins, admire the corals, discover the secret hide-outs of crabs inside exotic seaweed. Avoid the sharks and cramp-fish among the ancient columns and ruins, which were once home to ...
4.217 download... service through a chain of TOR proxies to hide the actual IP address. It also possible to work with a programs that are not designed to support SOCKS protocol directly. ...
DriveCrypt Plus Pack
3.9 download... the only software on the market abel to hide the entire operating system inside another operating system. This is especially usefull if you are forced to reveal the password to ...
Deep Sea World 3D Screensaver
1.0.4 download... the dolphins, admire the corals, discover the secret hide-outs of crabs inside exotic seaweed. Avoid the sharks and cramp-fish among the ancient columns and ruins, which were once home to ...
Elegant Snakes Free Screensaver
2.0.2 download... has color and patterns that helps snakes to hide and to be almost invisible for preys and enemies of them. The wood and water snakes from the tropical regions near ...
1.0 download... of windows batch files (.BAT). So you can hide and protect the source code of your BAT files. You can select your own icon for your EXE file. Your application ...
Flash flip book theme of Shining
1.0 download... when you look up to the sky. They hide and show in the deep blue atrium, just like precious stones embedded in a bowl. People get happy when seeing these ...
LCD Clock
1.1 download... small LCD clock on your desktop. You can hide it for 10 seconds, move it arround the desktop, pin it to the desktop or enable it to run on Windows ...
Shell Tools
2.0.1 downloadShellTools is a collection of free Unicode-aware Windows shell extensions. It adds some new useful commands like Resize image, Install/Uninstall/Load/Unload font, Copy size, Copy path, Show hidden files, Show file extensions, ...
1.0.15 download... shortcut. Keep your desktop free from shortcuts and hide them in shortcutz. This simple program allows ... * Change view and arrangement of icons. * Hides to system tray icon. * Resizable screen. ...
Sky Light Theme for eFlip Software
1.0 download... at the sky you will see the sun hide behind clouds. Light of the sun will penetrate the clouds and sprinkle the earth. That looks sacred and peaceful. The Sky ...