doppler downloads
2.8.7 download... milky way! Relativistic space-time effects such aberration and Doppler shift are optional Anaglyph 3D-glasses or a 3D ... variety of catalogues. - Optional relativistic aberration and Doppler-shift effects - travel in a true Einsteinean universe ...
Wavepad Audio and Music Editor Pro
20.02 download... audio clips with fun effects, including: wah-wah, echo, doppler and vibrato. To perfect your music, clean up your audio tracks with noise reduction and click/pop removal or change the pitch ...
Colliding Galaxies
1.22 download... several scientific functions you can also calculate the doppler-effect (redshift). Torender breathtaking AVI-videos you can enable differend grafic filters which e.g. makes a smooth colorfading from the galaxy center to ...
DX Central
2.20 download... · Ten different views of the sun · Doppler MDI map of the sun's far side · D-Region X-Ray absorption map from NOAA SWPC · Updates automatically every 10 minutes ...
DX Central for Linux
2.20 download... · Ten different views of the sun · Doppler MDI map of the sun's far side · D-Region X-Ray absorption map from NOAA SWPC · Updates automatically every 10 minutes ...
WavePad Edizione Masters
19.30 download... clip audio con effetti divertenti, inclusi: wah-wah, eco, doppler e vibrato. Per perfezionare la tua musica, ripulisci le tue tracce audio con riduzione del rumore e rimozione di clic/pop o ...
WavePad Audio en Muziek Editor Pro
19.83 download... audioclips aan met leuke effecten zoals wah-wah, echo, doppler en vibrato. Om je muziek te perfectioneren, verbeter je audiotracks met ruisvermindering en klik-/popverwijdering of verander de toonhoogte en snelheid. Met ...