block software downloads
Excel Area Code Lookup Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to ... choose an option to apply changes to: a block of specific cells, the active sheet or the entire workbook. Using this time saving software, even large numbers of files can be handled ...
Excel Unit Conversion Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to ... and temperature and options to process a selected block of cells, an entire workbook or the active sheet. The extensive ...
Excel Date Format Change Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to ... the entire workbook, active sheet or a specified block of cells. Excel 2000 or higher required. ...
Excel Highlight Duplicate Rows Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to ... Excel file. The user can define a specific block of cells and select specific columns to be checked. Excel 2000 ...
Excel Change Font Size and Style In Multiple Files Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to ... an option to apply changes to a specific block of cells, the active sheet or the entire workbook before starting ...
Excel Convert File To SQL Statements (Commands) Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to ... and options to apply changes to a specific block of cells, the active sheet or the entire workbook. There is ...
Keylogger Spy Software
4.3 download... have visited). You can set the keylogger to block unwanted programs and even prevent access to unwanted sites. The keylogger automatically activate it self when windows starts and doesn't shown ...
HT Facebook Blocker
10.1.4 download... Find balance between work and leisure. HT Facebook Blocker will help you defeat distraction. Block or time limit social media sites, non-work related websites, control apps and games, block inappropriate content, schedule work and entertainments, and much ...
SterJo Google Ad Blocker
1.2 downloadSterJo Google Ad Blocker is a free ad blocker that could block google ads on any website. Even today it ... the advertisement from the actual content. The ad blocker is compatible with any browser like Chrome, Mozilla, ...
SterJo Facebook Blocker
1.1 downloadSterJo Facebook Blocker would prevent any browser from accessing Facebook with ... it, sometimes there is no other way than blocking facebook completely. This tool is kind of a parental control software especially when you would like to allow or ...
10.5.12 downloadSTOP P-O-R-N is an easy-to-use application developed to block access to content-sensitive websites oriented at adults. Especially ... you define the file-sharing apps you want to block, with options including BearShare, Kazaa, LimeWire and MyP2P. ...
UFS Explorer Professional Recovery (Win)
7.12 downloadUFS Explorer Professional Recovery is first-rate software developed for specialists in the field of data ... BSD/Solaris (ZFS) and VMware (VMFS, VMFS6). This comprehensive software solution is suitable even for the most complicated ...
SprintWork Distraction Blocker
2.0.1 downloadSprintWork is an effective distraction blocking and time tracking software that can help you get work done on ... to social media and games. By default SprintWork blocks Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other social networking websites ...
SprintWork Distraction Blocker 64 bit
2.0.1 downloadSprintWork is an effective distraction blocking and time tracking software that can help you get work done on ... to social media and games. By default SprintWork blocks Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and other social networking websites ...
Webroot AntiVirus with Spy Sweeper 2011
7.0.4 download... in Spy Sweeper, the best-selling antispyware solution, helps block new threats before they infect your PC. Webroot AntiVirus includes integrated online backup and restore capabilities to protect your digital photos ...
Spy Sweeper download... Webroot Spy Sweeper delivers spyware detection, blocking and removal, with 360 degrees of protection. Dangerous spyware is blocked before reaching your PC, and any existing spyware ... response system utilizes the millions of subscribers to block the latest online threats. The new version of ...
1.6.16 download... sites are created everyday. The majority of the software companies need to update their pornography lists everyday to keep up. Of course, they cannot possibly keep up with this. Only ...
Instagram Blocker
1.0 downloadInstagram Blocker is the free tool to quickly Block or Unblock Instagram on your Windows computer. This ... will be useful for parents who wants to block their children from Instagram, especially during exam times. ...
Ascendis Caller ID download... service to track and announce phone calls and block annoying telemarketers! Each caller can be announced with ... whether to answer the phone without getting up; blocks known callers you specify or all unknown callers; ...
Yodot Hard Drive Recovery downloadYodot hard drive recovery software is powered with an advanced scan technology to ... the prominent features of Yodot hard disk recovery software: Advanced scan engine to scan each and every ... need a trusted and reliable hard drive recovery software to make sure that you are recovering all ...
Yodot Hard Drive Recovery downloadYodot hard drive recovery software is powered with an advanced scan technology to ... the prominent features of Yodot hard disk recovery software: Advanced scan engine to scan each and every ... need a trusted and reliable hard drive recovery software to make sure that you are recovering all ...
HT System Administrator
15.3.3 downloadBlock unwanted computer activities and increase productivity as simply as possible. With HT System Administrator, block any websites/applications and view reports of computer use ... and easiest way to manage computer use and block distractions locally or remotely. Make a couple of ...
3.28.633 download... a powerful and easy-to-use PC monitoring, employee monitoring software that improves productivity. It records every detail of ... access to websites, filter outgoing files via IM, block email attachment, disable movable device drive, cancel unauthorized ...
Net Monitor for Employees Professional
6.4.1 downloadNet Monitor for Employees is advanced employee monitoring software that lets you see what everyone's doing - ... are major benefits of using our employee monitoring software: -Installation and use of the application is very ...
Oranj Internet Filter 2023
1.0.0 downloadSoftware for filtering internet content on a local personal ... In addition to the pre-generated list categories, the software gives you the capability to block or allow any websites or domains that you ...