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Portable CleanMem
2.5.0 download... doesn't work magic on your system. The best thing you could do is get more memory for ... one "memory expert" after another tell me one thing and say the other memory people are wrong! ...
5.1.0 download... in the midle of the screen (the great thing is that for example when you browsing internet ... the browser will not lose focus - only thing that happen is that the info window dissapear), ...
1.3 download... QR codes onto your desktop computer. The only thing I found that was somewhat close, was an ... page called QRCodeReader. At that time, the only thing using the library was embedded on a web ...
WebEx MeetMeNow 2.0 download... with phone conferencing so everyone sees the same thing while you talk. It’s far more productive than emailing files and struggling to get everyone on the same page over the ...
Google SketchUp
13.0.4811 download... if readable dimensions are important. It’s a little thing, but we added dashes to LayOut’s dimension labels to make them easier to read. ...
Winstep Xtreme
16.6 download... are all different words to describe the same thing: mini-applications that usually live on your desktop and provide a staggering amount of information regarding your system, the weather, etc... Winstep ...
3.5.0 download... to test the memory of your computer (first thing to test when you have a crash or unexpected problems) * Network tools (Samba, NFS, ping, nslookup, ...) to backup your ...
1.83 download... that can read digital audio. Another great thing with this software is that it does not put a single file in your windows directories! No DLL's, OCX's, device drivers, ...
CutePDF Writer download... it worked flawlessly every time and another great thing we noticed about it is that CutePDF Writer doesn’t stress the system resources at all. This is why dedicated software solutions ...
Memeo Share for Windows / Mac OS X
2.0.2412 download... can even share your high-definition videos. The best thing of all is that it is automatic. Deliver full-resolution photos and videos to everyone's computer so they can be shared, printed, ...
TheWorld Browser download... it can not control resources ideally. For one thing, the resource management principle of IE kernel is not efficient enough, for another, different kinds of plugins based on IE kernel ...
Simple Port Forwarding
3.8.5 download... the built in port tester. One nice thing about the program is you can see it working with your router. So if there is a problem you will know, ...
Hitman Pro x64 download... a purpose. The malware writer only wants one thing: money. The traditional virus that cripples or destroys your PC is now quite rare. To make money the virus needs to ...
SMS Reception Center
1.86 download... account at gateway. You may combine these things: receive messages with a phone or modem and ... messages without a phone or modem. The main thing that a modem or a phone will give ...
Irfan View
4.57 download... or creating slideshows. And, probably the most important thing, it is free for personal use, did not burden the computer’s performance and did not hang, freeze or crash during our ...
12.5 download... cookies, histories, and more... MacCleanse won't miss a thing and could reclaim hundreds of megabytes of storage space. Going above and beyond the call of duty, MacCleanse provides detailed ...
DAVID-Laserscanner download... to be pointed towards the object. The special thing about this solution is that you freely hold the laser in your hand, "brushing" the laser line over the object. ...
Portable Simple Port Forwarding
3.8.5 download... the built in port tester. One nice thing about the program is you can see it working with your router. So if there is a problem you will know, ...
5.1.8 B525 download... knows about the journal and does the right thing automatically. No need to turn journaling off to ... the temperature of your disk while defragmenting. If things are getting a little toasty, iDefrag will wait ...
Color Cop
5.4.5 download... made cards, the Color Cop is just the thing for you. We're convinced you'll like the arresting qualities of the Color Cop - software that brings order to the lawless ...
ActivePresenter Standard
9.1.5 download... do the jobs for you. Furthermore, the best thing about ActivePresenter is that it does not require any additional programming or multimedia skills. ...
Blue Iris download... talk about Blue Iris, and perhaps the best thing about it is that, while containing many configurable, power-user features, casual users likely won't have a problem setting everything up. ...
11.2 B4376 download... and easily. GraphicConverter's AppleScript support is one other thing that makes it stand out from the multitude of other similar applications. Besides allowing its users to easily and speedily ...
XL Delete
2.9.2 download... fact still on your hard drive. The only thing that happens when you empty the recycle bin is that Windows marks the area where the file is on the hard ...
JetPhoto Studio
4.15 download... publishing software. Album is Folder The first thing to consider is how to create a safe place to keep photos. JetPhoto Studio saves photos in albums. Actually, each album ...