viewer in CAD downloads

CADopia 23 Standard download

CADopia 23 Standard (PERPETUAL license) is a full-featured CAD solution. The advanced features in this edition include ACIS 3D solid modeling, customization tools, PDF to DWG conversion, voice notes, and support ...

CADopia 23 Professional download

CADopia 23 Professional (Perpetual license) is a full-featured CAD solution. The advanced features in this edition include ACIS 3D solid modeling, customization tools, PDF to DWG conversion, voice notes, and support ...

hsCADView download

hsCADView allows quick visualization and measurement of intricate CAD drawings in both 2D and 3D. [Features that give you insight] Have access to a suite of tools to view and manage, ...

2D Batch Print for AutoCAD DWG, DXF, PLT

1 download

Automated Batch Print for drawings. No AutoCAD required. Batch Print is an easy-to-use application supporting DWG, DXF, HPGL, TIFF, SVG, CGM and other formats. Auto-detection for drawing sizes allows you to ...


2450 download

GenomeView is a next-generation stand-alone genome browser and editor initiated in the BSB group at VIB and currently developed at Broad Institute. It provides interactive visualization of sequences, annotation, multiple alignments, ...


0.5.1 Beta download

LiverSegm has been developed with the processing of liver images in mind. This software implements a level set based variational approach that incorporates shape priors and appearance models. It uses ITK ...

Celera Genome Browser

5.1 download

The Celera Genome Browser, developed at Celera Genomics as part of Celera's sequencing and annotation of the human genome, and released as open source in 2006. ...

Celera Genome Browser for Linux

5.1 download

The Celera Genome Browser, developed at Celera Genomics as part of Celera's sequencing and annotation of the human genome, and released as open source in 2006. ...


0.8 download

PyRx is a Virtual Screening software for Computational Drug Discovery that can be used to screen libraries of compounds against potential drug targets. PyRx enables Medicinal Chemists to run Virtual Screening ...

VisualCAM download

VisualART 1.0 requires the VisualCAM 1.0 base platform to be installed. If you have not installed VisualCAM 1.0 please install that first before installing VisualART 1.0. You will not be ...

GGCad Professional Edition download

GGCad Professional Edition is a handy and reliable utility designed to enable users to create, edit and manage CAD models. GGCad Free Edition is bundled with a rich collection of templates ...


8.6 download

SAOImage DS9, developed by Eric Mandel, is a robust and versatile astronomical imaging and data visualization software that has become an indispensable tool for astronomers and astrophysicists worldwide. Designed to handle ...


3.9.0 download

Cytoscape is an open source bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although Cytoscape ...

Cytoscape x64

3.10.0 download

Cytoscape x64 is an open source bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although ...


r165 download

FieldVIZ is meant to allow easy visual inspection of electro- and magnetostatic fields in 2D and 3D. ...

Geogiga Front End

9.0 download

Geogiga Front End is designed to QC and preprocess single shot record. You can convert data formats, analyze amplitude decay, correct trigger delay, assign geometry, mute seismic traces, run frequency filter, ...


2.2.1 download

A general purpose 2-dimensional CAD program. It supports industry standard DWG/DXF drawing formats. With A9CAD you can draw shapes such as line, rectangle, circle, poly-line, text and dimension; performing drawing modifications ...


2021.24.3.652 download

Trispace resolves the requirement to effect three dimensional terrain studies through the generation of: digital elevation plans, contoured elevation plans, dynamic sections, three dimensional views, distances or areas and volume calculations. ...


21.2 download

GCPrevuePlus couples simplicity and flexibility. The user interface is customizable to present information exactly where and how you need it. Multiple views, personalized hot-keys and toolbars allow users full interface control. ...


10.5.0 B6491 download

ArcReader is a free, easy-to-use desktop mapping application that allows users to view, explore, and print maps and globes. Anyone with ArcReader can view high-quality interactive maps authored by a high-level ...

Cytoscape for Mac OS X

3.10.0 download

Cytoscape is an open source bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although Cytoscape ...

Cytoscape for Linux

3.10.0 download

Cytoscape is an open source bioinformatics software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although Cytoscape ...


3.49 B467 download

VIPER (Visual Inspection of Peak/Elution Relationships) can be used to visualize and characterize the features detected during LC-MS analyses. It is primarily intended for processing deisotoped data from high mass measurement ...

3D FastView

1.0 download

Why 3D FastView? * easy-to-use without learning costs 3D FastView supports all the mainstream 3D formats and is very easy-to-use even for inexperienced users, saving the costs on training. * light-weight ...


2021.24.3.652 download

Trispace resolves the requirement to effect three dimensional terrain studies through the generation of: digital elevation plans, contoured elevation plans, dynamic sections, three dimensional views, distances or areas and volume calculations. ...