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Associated Tasks Field
1.20.6 download... items related the current item -Automatically generate tasks for all users specified in User/Group column -Can operate ... built-in or Connected Field -Create new related item for an item straight from the new/edit form -Use ...
Import .EML to Outlook 2007
4.2 download... Move EML to Outlook 2007 than you can count upon this tool. The program could Import .EML ... the software convert 10 EML files to PST for free, after you use the demo facility if ...
TextMaster Data Editor Pro Edition download... no matter the size or structure, TextMaster is for you! SQL Based Functions: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ... DATETIME etc Integrated Tools: FileCheck - Check file for inconsistencies, and view its structure and metadata. FileExport ...
Firefox Autocomplete Spy
2.0 download... the Autocomplete history data from Firefox profile location. For each of the entry, it display following details, * Field Name * Value * Total Used Count * First Used Date * Last Used Date ...
Chrome Autofill Viewer
2.0 download... all the Autofill history data from Chrome browser. For each of the entry, it display following details, * Field Name * Value * Total Used Count * First Used Date * Last Used Date ...
Intel Extreme Tuning Utility download... The main section includes the loading area for each and every menu item, while the bottom ... Frequency. Moreover, you can also view the graphs for this values and other statistics such as Active ...
1.044 download... frequency, cache sizes, release dates, codename, and transistor count. Interesting facts are also included for most major models. A OS database is also included for comparing past current and future versions of Windows ...
Excel Unique & Duplicate Data Remove Software
7.0 download... a new worksheet. Features include: Remove Duplicates Except For One, Remove Duplicates Except For One & Remove Blank Cells, Remove All Duplicates, Remove Uniques, Remove Uniques & Remove Blank Cells, Count Duplicates, Remove List 2 From List 1, Keep ...
Recover iPod download... software rescue iPod deleted songs, podcast, ratings, play count lost in case of accidentally deleted, virus attack, ... files rescue utility provides interactive graphical user interface for user to work effectively without need of technical ...
EJS TreeGrid
5.9 download... sorting; various paging types to display nearly unlimited count (millions) of rows using AJAX and pager component; ... JavaScript code on page; multilanguage, also RTL support for Arabic languages, including Hirji calendar; EJS TreeGrid can ...
Digg Digg
5.2.2 download... is one of the most popular sharing plugins for WordPress blogs with over 330,000 downloads to date. ... Display all popular social sharing buttons with count, such as Twitter, Buffer, Facebook Share, Facebook Like, ...
6.03 download... component class will have a Tick() method responsible for acquiring its next set of inputs from its ... Tick() functions. Component input and output buses (signal count, string IDs etc.) will be configurable by derived ...
Edi - Text Editor
3.102 download... spacing) Header & Footer (page number, page count) Bullet list, number list and multi level ... Table of pictures Edi FREE - completely for free and as long as you wish: mail ...
7.0 download... takes derivatives, re?scales graphs, and exports (x,y) data for use in other software programs. If you need ... values, use light tables to compare the features, count squares to find peak areas, or "point and ...
Astro Player
2.0 download... music browser Sorting tracks by rating and play count M3U playlists support Favorites[Pro] Select a folder for playback Playlist shortcuts Misc. Custom skins Resume/pause playback ... cover arts[only from ID3tags] Tag editor[Pro] Customize mode for skin buttons[Pro] Menu configuration Fetch lyrics from the ...
SharePoint Business Charts
1.0.806.3 downloadBusiness Charts provides an easy way for end users to create charts directly in SharePoint ... a chart, they can use several functions (SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, etc.) to sort or summarize ...
Chrome History Manager
3.0 download... it automatically detects the default Chrome history file for current user. You can also manually choose the ... or similar browsers) from local or remote computer. For each entry in the history file, it displays ...
Opera History Viewer
1.0 download... will automatically detect the default Opera history file for current user. You can also choose the history file from different profile or user For each entry in the history file, it displays ...
1.0 download... English, German, East Asian languages and more. upport for more than 50 OCR languages such as English, ... only specific areas from image. Support input stream for OCR processing. Retrieve Recognized character location and confidence. ...
Explore MBOX File
4.0 download... and views normal MBOX files but also works for corrupt, large size, multiple files too. Open and ... and user friendly way. Upgrade to pro version for advance search option to find a phases or ...
Firefox History Spy
1.0 download... it automatically detects the default Firefox history file for current user. You can also manually choose the ... history file either from local or remote computer. For each website in the history file, it displays ...
Safari History Spy
1.0 download... automatically detect the default Safari history file (history.plist) for current user. You can also choose the history file from different profile or user For each entry in the history file, it displays ...
FixVare Thunderbird to HTML Converter
2.0 download... created especially to make conversion extremely simple, even for non-technical users. The tool has multiple advanced features. ... Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows XP, and others. For assistance with using the software, get in line ...
2.0.1 download... filename, make lowercase/uppercase, format the filename to include for example an automatically incrementing number * File Toucher ... files or two folders recursively * File Line Counter to count the number of lines in files. ...
Animate Me!
2.2 download... changing brightness). Program features: - loads background picture for created animation from BMP, JPEG, PSD, PCX, TGA, ... parameters of each effect; - defines animation parameters: count of frames, delay and number of loops; - ...