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VisionLab .NET
8.0 download... - Extracts robust features using SURF algorithm. - Haar and HOG Detect Objects - Detects objects by using Haar like features or Histogram of Oriented Gradients. - ...
SignalLab VC++
8.0 downloadSignalLab VC++ is a set of Visual C++ components for fast Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and data visualization. Allows fast complex signal manipulations with zero lines of program code. SignalLab consists ...
SignalLab .NET
8.0 download... Transformation(DCT) over real and complex data, Median, Hilbert, Haar, Goertzel and more. - FIR - Finite Impulse Response filter. - IIR and BiQuad IIR - Infinite Impulse Response filters. - ...
VisionLab VC++
8.0 downloadVisionLab VC++ is a set of Visual C++ components for advanced computer vision. The components allow rapid development of fully featured advanced computer vision applications with zero lines of program code. ...