open g downloads
3.3.11 download... daily basis, making it the most widely used open source bulletin board system in the world. Whether you want to stay in touch with a small group of friends or ...
1.41 downloaddaSniff is an open source customizable sniffer for win32 systems. It helps you to log your LAN traffic by specifying packet rules as filters. It has two major versions named ...
4.03 downloadXpdf is an open source viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.) The Xpdf project ...
14.3 downloadUMLet is an open-source UML tool with a simple user interface: draw UML diagrams fast, export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and clipboard, share diagrams using Eclipse, and create ...
0.5.19b downloadCtrax is an open-source, freely available, machine vision program for estimating the positions and orientations of many walking flies, maintaining their individual identities over long periods of time. It was ...
0.9.34 downloadJomic was designed as an Open Source and easy-to-use viewer for comic books stored in CBZ, CBR, and PDF files. Now you can make use of this handy ...
Jomic for Mac OS X
0.9.34 downloadJomic was designed as an Open Source and easy-to-use viewer for comic books stored in CBZ, CBR, and PDF files. Now you can make use of this handy ...
ecoReleve Explorer
0.2.88 downloadecoRelev is an open source data browsing software designed for field observations and mapping. It is compose by two application, 'dataconnector' for importing data and 'explorer' for visualise dat. ...
1.6.0 downloadElpis is a free and open source Pandora client for Microsoft Windows. It was created to provide a simple, lightweight and seamless way to enjoy music through Pandora while freeing ...
DomainMath IDE
0.1.6 download... specially designed as an accessible, user-friendly and useful Open Source GUI front-end application for GNU Octave. Now, you can use this handy instrument to connect to Octave and start ...
2.0.0 downloaduDig is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig can be used as a stand-alone application. uDig can be extended with ...
uDig x64
1.4.0 downloaduDig x64 is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig x64 can be used as a stand-alone application. uDig x64 can ...
uDig for Mac OS X
1.4.0 downloaduDig is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig can be used as a stand-alone application. uDig can be extended with ...
uDig for Linux
1.4.0 downloaduDig is an open source (LGPL) desktop application framework, built with Eclipse Rich Client (RCP) technology. uDig can be used as a stand-alone application. uDig can be extended with ...
0.92 downloadCyFluxViz is an open-source Cytoscape plugin for the visualization of flux distributions in molecular interaction networks available for download at homepage The new release of CyFluxViz-v0.86 fully supports Cytoscape ...
Ctrax for Linux
0.5.19b downloadCtrax is an open-source, freely available, machine vision program for estimating the positions and orientations of many walking flies, maintaining their individual identities over long periods of time. It was ...
6.6.0 downloadCoolProp is an open-source, free property database that includes pure fluids, pseudo-pure fluids, and humid air properties. It is designed to be trivially simple to use from the Python programming ...
2.1 downloadeXist is designed to be an Open Source database management system that was built using the XML technology. It stores XML data according to the XML data model and ...
0.98 downloadCalrendar is an open source freeware program for rendering print quality calendars. It is currently in beta stage, which means that it may still be sensitive and can break at ...
1.6 downloadGMap.NET is great and Powerful, Free, cross platform, open source .NET control. Enable use routing, geocoding, directions and maps from Coogle, Yahoo!, Bing, OpenStreetMap, ArcGIS, Pergo, SigPac, Yandex,,,, NearMap, ...
2.4 downloadOpenFX is an Open-Source 3D modeling, animation and rendering suite. A powerful ... kinematics-based animation, morphing, and an extensive plugin API. OpenFX includes the Animator and the Designer modules that ...
openHAB Designer
1.8.3 downloadThe open Home Automation Bus (openHAB) project aims at providing ... to be absolutely vendor-neutral as well as hardware/protocol-agnostic. openHAB brings together different bus systems, hardware devices and ... and receive commands and status updates on the openHAB event bus. This concept allows designing user interfaces ...
3.10 downloadHammerDB is an open source load testing tool for Oracle, SQL Server, TimesTen, PostgreSQL, Greenplum, Postgres Plus Advanced Server, MySQL and Redis Databases. HammerDB is automated, multi-threaded and extensible with ...
MassWiz downloadMassWiz is an open Source MS/MS algorithm with integrated target-decoy based FDR. It helps in protein identification from tandem mass spectrometry data. It features proteomics, mass spectrometry, target-decoy search, FDR ...
1.1.1602 downloadMyRobotLab, developed by Greg Perry, is an innovative open-source software platform designed to bring robotics and artificial intelligence projects to life. This versatile toolkit is a dream come true for ...