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STL Viewer / ABViewer
14 download... allows converting them into other formats such as DWG, OBJ, JPG, etc. A significant feature of this viewer is ... 3D models' parts and save separate parts as DWG or DXF format. Easy-to-use measurement tools permit users ...
Cheewoo Shape Tracer
2.8.1002.1007 downloadConverting raster image data file of a part / pattern into a vector shape file without manual digitizing. Supporting image scanning twain device to acquire image data as a input. Contains ...
STP Viewer also called ABViewer
14 download... 3D models' parts and save separate parts as DWG or DXF files. With easy-to-use measuring tools users ... to other formats such as STP/STEP, IGS/IGES, STL, DWG, DXF, OBJ, PDF, JPG, etc. The software gives ...
IGES Viewer alias ABViewer
14 download... 3D models' parts and save separate parts as DWG or DXF files. With easy-to-use measuring tools, users ... to other formats such as IGS/IGES, STP/STEP, STL, DWG, DXF, OBJ, PDF, JPG, etc. The software gives ...
Print Conductor
9.0.2401 download... Solidworks and Inventor drawings, Visio charts, Photoshop PSD, JPG, TIFF, PNG, PCX, DCX, BMP and JBIG images, ... or virtual printers. If you select Universal Document Converter as a virtual printer to use with Print ...
PDF Conversion Tool download... docx) and to almost any images format (png, jpg, gif, etc.). As a bonus, it also provides ... conversion: *From file to PDF - cad : dwg, dxf - document : abw, djvu, doc, docm, ...
4.70 download... HDP/WDP, ICO/ICL/EXE/DLL, IFF/LBM, IMG (GEM), JPEG-XR, JLS, JPG2000, JPG, JPM, KDC, MED, MID/RMI, MNG/JNG,OV, MP3, MPG, MrSID, ... RAF, MRW, DCR, X3F, PEF, SRF, EFF, DXF, DWG, HPGL, CGM, SVG, WBC/WBZ, etc. Some features of ...