find and replace downloads
TextPipe Engine
12.0 download... powerful text-processing engine that combines 100+ conversion, translation and filtering operations on multiple text or binary files. Update web site text using search and replace, which supports perl pattern matching, sounds-like matching ...
AKVIS Coloriage
8.0 download... colors of an image: from colorizing old black and white photos from your family archive to replacing ... grandmother by adding color to her school photo, replace the colors of your car to see how ...
AKVIS Coloriage
8.0 download... colors of an image: from colorizing old black and white photos from your family archive to replacing ... grandmother by adding color to her school photo, replace the colors of your car to see how ...
1.45 downloadA visual compilation of "steps" search and replace. You choose the source file, mouse mark in it search words, define the type of replacement and visual control of results in the separate ...
Accessory Media Viewer
4.1 download... Media Viewer will search your disk or CD-Rom and display some of the major file types such as pictures, sounds, music, and videos. You can display, Edit, Copy, Print, and Send Pictures and Images over the Internet. Pictures ...
Tidy Up!
5.3.9 download... the ones that are holding up space unnecessarily, and then helps you delete them without too much ... Tidy Up 5 is completely re-engineered, modern, efficient and totally customizable. Below are just a few of ...
ScanFS download... application that will enable you to quickly search and find the files you need. It can perform in-depth ... in single directories or directory groups · Search and replace in multiple files · Supports simple or ...
The GodFather
0.89 download... a chaotic budge of files with strange names and in wrong locations than to have a clean and nice collection where every file is where it is supposed to be, with a perfect name and Tag information. The GodFather is indeed a very ...
ScanDir portable
1.3.4 downloadSearch drives for files and folders (directories). Select on file name, path, extension, size and date or use a Regular Expression. Delete, rename, ... Rename options include: auto number, add path level(s)s, find and replace characters, alter extension, calculate MD5 and ...
Now Youre Cooking Recipe Software
6.02 download... management. Recipe search, dupe check, meal plan, import/export, find-replace, manage categories across cookbooks. User-defined categories; auto-categorizing of ... text recipes, or enter your own. Screen Import and Quick Web Recipes for easy importing. Publish cookbooks ...
EverEdit downloadEverEdit is a fast, lightweight, extendable text, source and binary editor for Windows(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows ... While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web ...
EverEdit x64 download... x64 is a fast, lightweight, extendable text, source and binary editor for Windows(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows ... While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web ...
EverEdit Portable x64 download... x64 is a fast, lightweight, extendable text, source and binary editor for Windows(Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows ... While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web ...
6.0 downloadThis is a programmer tool mainly, because the find-replace rules are regular expressions in .NET flavor. It also has an *ix like grep and unique capability. More complex cases could be solved ...
Ondesoft ClipBuddy for Mac
2.02.1 download... on the clipboard including text, images, html, folder and much more. 2.Remember clips with title, data, size, source and url in days, weeks even years for your later reference. 3.Copy and paste selected text without any formatting such as ...
Add Data, Text & Characters To Files Software
7.0 download... added feature of this software allows you to find and replace character/s. Useful for batch editing, this software will ...
pxedit Portable
1.0 download... editor application for windows. Create a text document and save it in file format. You can open existing files edit them and save it back. Features include undo the changes, redo, cut, copy, paste, find and replace, and save as. ...
8.1 B5311 download... is a very small, but perfect Start Menu replacement for your Microsoft Windows XP system. ViStart will now index all personal files and program files and give ACTUAL instant results thats ...
NoClone Home Edition
2014 downloadNoClone - Find and Remove TRUE duplicate files. This software will search and find duplicate files. NoClone searches your computer for duplicate files and removes them: this frees up disk space and ...
2024.04.10 downloadBreevy is a text expander, AutoText, and text replacement program that helps you type faster and more accurately by allowing you to abbreviate long words and phrases -- saving you time and money. You ...
Portable Breevy
4.11 download... Portable Breevy is a text expander, AutoText, and text replacement program that helps you type faster and more accurately by allowing you to abbreviate long words and phrases -- saving you time and money. You ...
5.1.0 B5216 downloadSharpDevelop is an IDE for C# and VB.NET projects on Microsoft's .NET platform. SharpDevelop is ... Features: · Forms designer for C# and VB.NET · Code completion for C# and VB.NET ...
1.3 download... when writing or editing your documents, books, articles, and papers. The basic product includes a number of easy-to-use tools that find mistakes missed by Word's spelling and grammar checking. It installs as a toolbar at ...
5.01 download... program that you can use to correct file and folder names in preparation for importing data into Microsoft's SharePoint. The file and folder names within SharePoint have more restrictions than ... to allow you to search your file names and folder names for the known SharePoint restrictions and ...
Swinsian for Mac OS X
2.3.5 download... wide format support, folder watching, advanced tag editing and designed to be responsive even with the largest libraries. The art grid, column browser and track inspector provide multiple ways to view and ...