e catalog downloads
8.2.1 download... many other audio formats, useful to manage and catalog all your music files. 123Tag helps you also to find and catalog ...
BrickUtils download... With BrickUtils you can quickly build your brick catalog and check if you can build a model created with LDD or LDraw. ...
BrickUtils Portable download... With BrickUtils you can quickly build your brick catalog and check if you can build a model created with LDD or LDraw. ...
CD Front End GOLD autorun CD DVD menu
2018.36 download... Web-like pages, create CD DVD menus, presentations, big catalogues, CD business cards, brochures, slide shows, build file ... Interbase, Firebird, DB2... it can automatically populate a catalogue (it creates categories, subcategories, thumbnail images...) - shopping ...
Movie Organizer Deluxe
4.21 downloadDVD, video cataloging software for Windows. Our software allows book collectors, ... private or public libraries to organize, manage, and catalog DVDs, VHS tapes, laser discs, and any other ... database novice, Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use movie cataloging solutions make it easy to set up and ...
CD Front End GOLD
2016.5.7 download... software: make Web-like pages, create presentations, big product catalogues, CD business cards, brochures, slide shows, build menus, ... Interbase, Firebird, DB2... it can automatically populate a catalogue (it creates categories, subcategories, thumbnail images...) - shopping ...
2016 downloadUse CurrencyManage to quickly catalog & value your paper money collection. Simply choose the notes you own from our comprehensive database of over 18,200 USA & Canadian Notes, complete with ...
Flip ShoppingBook Maker
1.8 downloadFlip ShoppingBook Maker specializes in making outstanding digital catalogs with page-flipping effect which will effectively increase your sales of networking. The creative shopping guide is labeled by us professional shopping ...
FlipBook Maker Software
4.1.0 downloadDigital Catalog Software (A-PDF FlipBook Creator) is an easy-to-use tool ... any programming skills. With the help of Digital Catalog Software, you are able to can generate flipbooks ... iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices. Why Digital Catalog Software Support any type of printable Windows documents ...
My Music Collection downloadMy Music Collection is comprehensive music catalog software designed for CD collectors, DJs and home ... collections. This music organizer software allows users to catalog CDs, MP3s, vinyl records and other media into ...
Argentum MyFiles
2.50 downloadArgentum MyFiles is a disk cataloging tool that helps you keep your files organized. ... be used as a file organizer, a disk cataloger, a music organizer, a digital audio MP3 and ...
1.2 downloadMovito is a movie collection manager for files, BlueRays and DVDs. It supports movies and TV-series. It automatically fetches information about your movies from the web. It comes along with a ...
2020.4 downloadGrieeX Movie Archive Program meets of all the needs of enthusiasts with useful and easy to understand interfaces. Features: User friendly interfaces. Metadata criteria (Original name, Director, Release ...
8.6.1 downloadCDFinder The disk and data library cataloger (digital asset manager) for the Apple Macintosh. CDFinder rapidly catalogs your entire disk and media library, and backup ... stored. CDFinder is your digital treasure chest! Catalog everything – hard disks (internal, external, USB, FireWire, ...
Librarian Pro for Mac OS X
7.4 download... iPod! Librarian Pro also supports importing from other cataloging applications like Delicious Library and DVDpedia. The tools that come to support the creation of different collections were designed to be ...
Inspiration Library
2.1.0 downloadCollect interesting, original, beatiful web design and become more organised with your full webpage snapshot collections. With our brand new Inspiration Library it's easy to find and re-discover inspirational stuff and ...
Librarian Pro
7.4 download... iPod! Librarian Pro also supports importing from other cataloging applications like Delicious Library and DVDpedia. Search for items in-program on Amazon by author, artist, title, and keyword. Details will ...
OrangeCD Suite
6.5.9 downloadOrangeCD Catalog is the comprehensive music database program for cataloging music in any format: CD, DVD, MP3, iTunes, ... a website, you can publish your music collection catalog on RacksAndTags.com, share it with friends. This will ...
Vinyl manager
1.19.1 download... Manager provides a comprehensive database where users can catalog their vinyl records. The interface is intuitively designed, allowing users to input detailed information about each record, including artist, album title, ...
Movie Library Organizer Pro
3.2b download... manage the following activities of your movie library: catalog, search, and circulate all library items (dvds, video tapes, cds..) - manage library members - keep track of the library circulation ...
Music Library Organizer Pro
3.2b download... manage the following activities of your library: - catalog, search, and circulate all library items (CDs, tapes, music dvds, ..) - manage library members - keep track of the library ...
Handy Library Manager
4.0 download... software for small school, public, corporate libraries. Easily catalog all library collections from the web using ISBN ... inventory reports. Define circulation rules, and more. Features: catalog items automatically using ISBN, import data from spread ...
Music Organizer Deluxe
4.21 download... collectors, audiophiles, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage collections of CDs, LPs, tapes, and ... the most advanced users. Ready to use music cataloging database solutions make it easy to set up ...
MetaDataMiner Catalogue PRO
4.2.26 download... NTFS Windows 2000 files. You will easily analyse, catalog and retrieve: - MS Office documents: Application name, ... and hypertext links : you can share documentation catalog in a project team and save time seaching ...
7.0 B793 downloadDigiJ provides unlimited ways for you to categorize your music the way you want to. Have an idea for a different way to track your tracks? DigiJ is flexible with fully ...