square downloads
Greeting Card Maker Program
5.8 download... in numerous shapes such as star, circle, ellipse, square, rectangle, rounded rectangle etc. Amazing card generator program is brilliant way to express your love and care for your family members, ...
Pharmaceutical Barcode System
8.3.2 download... develops barcode images in miscellaneous shapes including circle, square etc. Barcode generator software provides full installation and un-installation supports to all latest editions of Windows OS including windows XP, 7, ...
Barcode Maker for Packaging
5.1.6 downloadDownloadable Barcode Maker for Packaging application from www.prodatadoctor.com assists procurer to generate customized barcode labels, stickers, assets with added color, images, caption option which is simply readable by all scanning devices. ...
Professional Barcode Creating Tool
5.1.9 download... utility uses various image objects including text, line, square and more for designing barcode labels. Professional barcode maker program is capable to print multiple copies of single barcode on one ...
Library Barcode Label Maker
7.2 download... uses various image designing objects like line, pencil, square, text, pictures, arc etc to generate attractive magazine stickers, publishing tags and library coupons on computer system at free of cost. ...
Postal Barcode Label Maker downloadEconomically affordable Postal Barcode Label Maker software is used for designing a bunch of numerous bank stickers, coupons, tickets etc within short time period. Professional bank barcode label maker utility is ...
Postal Service and Banking Barcode Fonts downloadBarcode creator software is able to develop vibrant postal labels, bank stickers with the help of trendy image designing stuffs. Postal service and banking barcode fonts create barcode images in versatile ...
Books Barcode Label Maker Software
7.0.3 downloadGUI based Book Barcode Label Maker Software is easy to use by both technical and non technical users for creating bulk library stickers within few seconds. Smart library tags generator application ...
Packaging Barcode Label Generator
6.1.5 download... objects including round rectangle, arc, eclipse, text, pictures, square, line etc. Packaging Barcode Generator program ease user to generate multipurpose stickers tags and has option to copy/paste created images at ...
Post Office Barcode Generator
6.1.7 download... dazzling ribbons using arc, pencil, line, round rectangle, square, picture, eclipse, text and other designing objects in few mouse clicks. Professional and flexible barcode sticker creator utility with modern print ...
Professional Barcode Label Creator downloadAdvance Professional Barcode Label Creator application is capable to design unlimited asset tags, stickers, coupons, tickets, images etc on pc or laptop device. Highly reliable barcode label producer utility generates a ...
Barcodes Generator Post Office Tool download... rectangle, ellipse, circles, pictures, text, images, pencils, stars, square and many others.Extraordinary features:*Bar code designing utility creates high resolution and customized barcode images according to users wish.*Expertise bar code label ...
Barcode Label for Post Office downloadNo need of technical skills to operate Barcode Label for Post Office software for generating bulk bank barcodes of linear and 2d fonts. Excellent bank barcode designer utility facilitates users to ...
Inventory Control Barcode Software
8.3.3 download... software crafts barcode labels in diverse shapes like square, circle, rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse and much more. Freeware barcode label maker program enhanced with amazing GUI that helps beginners to ...
Manufacturing Barcode Label downloadNo technical skill required to operate Manufacturing Barcode Label application for designing impressive unlimited product stickers, coupons, tickets, tags etc on some mouse clicks. Best industry tags designer program helps users ...
Card and Label Designing Software download... various image designing objects like pencil, line, ellipse, square, rectangle, barcode, picture, rounded rectangle, text etc.Feature:*Advance ID card utility to produce business ID cards with interface user interface.*Best car builder ...
Barcode Creator Application download... barcode linear in sequence and 2D barcode multiple square dots. barcode symbology high quality barcode. Label printing process without manual data entry print easily. Designing software replace manual labelling. Label ...
Barcode Generator Tool for Retailers downloadBarcode Comes in different sizes and shapes. When choosing barcode labels for a particular application, consider the shape. Size and shape of barcode labels should be chosen based on the application's ...
MicroPDF417 Data Generator download... MicroPDF417 is a very compact barcode, typically measuring square millimeters in size. Data bar MicroPDF417 also has the ability to store multiple types of data. This includes alphanumeric characters, symbols, ...
QR Codes for Marketing Industry
8.5.9 download... the data. QR code made up of a square matrix of white and black cells and modules arranged in a grid pattern. The larger QR codes can store more data ...
Create Business Card Design Software
11.1 download... business card layout, such as vertical, horizontal, or square, for your card design. Choose a traditional, less formal, or creative layout for formal or informal businesses. Place design elements strategically, ...
Handled Data Matrix Barcode Tool download... analyses it to identify the black and white squares within it. It then determines the position and ... the encoded data, represented by black and white squares. Each square represents a binary digit (0 or ...
Data Matrix Barcode Maker Software downloadDo you know about the purpose of using data matrix barcodes? Here is the answer: This barcode is a two-dimensional barcode type consisting of a matrix of black and white cells ...
Professional Wedding Card Maker Tool download... artisanal touches add charm. Non-traditional formats include circular, square, or die-cut designs. Eco-friendly designs use recycled or sustainable paper, vegetable-based inks, and waterless printing techniques. Personalization includes the couple's monogram, ...
Equation graph plotter - EqPlot
1.3.65 download... mathematical expression: 5.22 - (2 * x) + square(x) + power(x;3) + power(2.55;4) - logbaseN(4;6.25) Save your work for later use into a text or graphic file. Comprehensive online help ...