searcher downloads

Http Proxy Scanner

1.6.0 download

Http Proxy Scanner is the software that helps to find HTTP proxy servers. It can scan up to 10,000 IP addresses per second. ...


1.6.0 download

Columbus is a smart and powerful web-browser with useful built-in features addressing functionality, usability, searching, security, customization, saving, taking shortcuts and accessing the Internet. This web-browser fits more than one type ...

Find Folders By Name Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution for users who want to find folders containing specific characters in the folder name. The user simply chooses a drive or folder to search, enters the ...

Find Files By Size Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find files by the Bytes, KB, MB, GB, etc. There are features to find between a certain size, greater than a ...

Find Files By Date Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to find files by their date created, modified and last accessed. There are features to find between a certain date range, before ...


4.2.25 download

The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad2 tries to follow this principle, being a fast, small and free ...

Notepad2 64-bit

4.2.25 download

The original Notepad shipped with Windows is probably the handiest program of all times, small, fast, without frills! Notepad2 x64 tries to follow this principle, being a fast, small and ...


4.3 download

RegexSearch is a Java application that performs graphical find and find-and-replace searches for regular expressions on multiple text files. It is distributed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License. ...

Touche Yellow Pages Spider

4.02 download

Yellow Pages Spider is a tool that does searches in the most popular "yellow pages" directories and extracts important information like business name, address, phone number and email. With our ...

SearchBlox x64

10.6 download

SearchBlox x64 is an out-of-the-box Enterprise Search Solution built on top of Apache Lucene. It is fast to deploy, easy to manage and best of all, it is free. SearchBlox is ...

SearchBlox for Linux

10.5.1 download

SearchBlox is an out-of-the-box Enterprise Search Solution built on top of Apache Lucene. It is fast to deploy, easy to manage and best of all, it is free. SearchBlox is built ...

SearchBlox for Mac OS X

9.2.3 download

SearchBlox is an out-of-the-box Enterprise Search Solution built on top of Apache Lucene. It is fast to deploy, easy to manage and best of all, it is free. SearchBlox is built ...

Dependency Finder

1.2.0 download

Dependency Finder is a suite of tools for analyzing compiled Java code. At the core is a powerful dependency analysis application that extracts dependency graphs and mines them for useful information. ...

dupeGuru Music Edition

4.1.1 download

dupeGuru Music Edition (ME for short) is a tool to find duplicate songs in your music collection. It can scan filenames, tags or contents. dupeGuru ME is a big brother of ...

dupeGuru Music Edition for Mac OS X

4.1.1 download

dupeGuru Music Edition (ME for short) is a tool to find duplicate songs in your music collection. It can scan filenames, tags or contents. dupeGuru ME is a big brother of ...

dupeGuru Music Edition for Linux

4.1.1 download

dupeGuru Music Edition (ME for short) is a tool to find duplicate songs in your music collection. It can scan filenames, tags or contents. dupeGuru ME is a big brother of ...


1.92 download

YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. When contributing to the world-wide peer ...

YaCy for Mac

1.92 download

YaCy for Mac is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. When contributing to the ...

YaCy for Linux

1.92 download

YaCy for Linux is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. When contributing to the ...

SearchWorks download

SearchWorks is developed as a .NET class library that is supposed to help you search text on files. The library is also designed to get paths for those files which ...


0.8.3 download

JSLint is specially designed to be a Notepad++ plugin that is able to run JSLint against your open JavaScript files. JSLint stands for The JavaScript Code Quality Tool. All you ahve ...


1.20 download

Look for and eliminate duplicate lines in textfiles. – I use this thingy to keep songs in my playlists unique. ...

MS PowerPoint Search Multiple Presentations Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to search one or more PowerPoint slides for the same string, simultaneously. The user can specify a list of files or an ...

Where Is

3.1 download

Where Is is an application that was designed like a visual tool for fast searches in text files. It is especially designed for software developers that frequently have to look up ...

Wikipedia Bio References

Build 543 download

It is a tool to improve wikipedia article. You enter a taxon name, it will search on 50 well known and free taxonomist web sites and will generate wikipedia syntax containing ...